Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, pity your Mother's Heart. Look at what is nailed in it:
I saw a terrible sword carved into the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Suddenly, the sword was removed leaving a terrible wound as if it had split Our Lady's Heart in two.
The Church of my Divine Son is dividing in two and my Heart is torn in pain. I weep for those children who are rebelling against God and Heaven, not accepting His eternal truths and teachings, nor obeying His Divine Laws.
Only the souls who know how to offer reparation by sacrificing and renouncing their own will can heal the deep wound inflicted in my pure and holy maternal Heart and in the Sacred and Divine Heart of my Son Jesus.
The Church is wounded by the poisoned arrows of Satan. A great wound has now been opened in the Church: the wound of division, which will generate within her bosom a great spiritual war between good and evil, between truth and falsehood, between the children of God and those who are faithful to the Lord and Satan's henchmen inserted among the good like a weed, like weeds that have come to destroy, to create confusion and lack of faith, so that the flock may be deprived of light and divine grace and perish.
But God will come to the aid of those who remain faithful to His Laws and teachings, those who are strong and constant through trials and difficulties, who will not betray their faith or their love for Him. He will send his Angels to cut down and uproot every bad grass and weed growing among them, dry them with his divine breath, and burn them in eternal fire, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Hell is eternal and there is the final destination and place for the disobedient and ungrateful, it is the place to punish all human pride and wickedness.
Comfort my suffering Heart and you will make the Heart of my Divine Son happy, because he loves very much all those who honor me and accept me as their Mother.
I bless you!