Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

The Holy Mother, so beautiful and majestic, came today dressed in white, with the blue sash around her waist and the golden roses on her feet, like Lourdes. She gave us the following message:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Immaculate Mother, come from heaven to take you to God, to the Heart of my Son Jesus.
I stand here before you with my Immaculate Heart full of love, because I desire your happiness and eternal salvation.
I wish to ease your sufferings and give you my motherly blessing, so that you may have the strength and grace to follow the holy path of my Son Jesus.
My children, change your lives, leave all the wrong things behind and accept to live the holy words of my Son Jesus, which will change your hearts and make you more holy people. Do not want to be of the world, for he who lives for the world and forgets God, cannot one day deserve heaven, which is the true home of eternal happiness.
Be my children who know how to pray and repair the sins of the world. Receive my love in your hearts so that you may have peace.
I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, I am the Immaculate Conception: I am one, the Mother of God and Queen of heaven and earth.
I welcome you under my mantle of protection, and I drive away from you and your families all dangers, corporal and spiritual, asking before the Throne of my Son Jesus for health for your body and soul, and relief and healing for your illnesses.
Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!