Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Today, Jesus, Our Lady, and St. Joseph appeared. Jesus was on a shining cross,, Our Lady was on His right and St. Joseph was on His left. The Blessed Mother was the one who first gave us the message:
Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from heaven to give you strength and protection, I come from heaven to bless you and grant you peace.
Do not despair. Fear nothing! God is greater than everything and everyone and he will always triumph over every evil.
An evil plan is in full fulfillment, so that many of my sons and daughters will suffer and be trapped in Satan's snares and lies. He, the father of lies, acts to reduce the Holy Church to discredit, to silence, because of the lack of faith that has reached the extreme, due to the sins of many ministers of my Son, who have become whitewashed sepulchers that lead many souls to the abyss of perdition, because they are no longer anointed men of faith, of prayer, nor of a holy life.
Satan mocks many of them, because he thinks he is victorious, because of his evil agents who have achieved their first objective: to show to so many in the world that he is the one who commands everything as he wishes.
Do not let yourselves be overcome by his mistakes and lies. Pray the Rosary with the Magnificats and God will cause his evil plan to fail and the evil and lies to fall to the ground. If you don't pray and do penance, your lies will bring suffering and pain to all mankind in a more intense way, because violence and bloodshed will come very soon, because of men who are proud and greedy for possessions and power.
Ask forgiveness for your sins, bend your knees to the ground, and beg for God's mercy for the whole world.
Remember, my children: what man invents is all imperfect. Only what God creates is perfect. Every man-made creation will end and will not last forever. Nothing will remain hidden for long.
Saint Joseph will do great things for the Holy Church and the whole world, at the command of my Son Jesus. He will give the great sign of his love, on behalf of the Lord's people, the little remnant faithful to his divine words and his Holy Laws.
At that moment, Jesus looking seriously at everyone said these words to me:
I will allow the Church and the people of Amazonas to be cleansed of their sins, because of their ingratitude, lack of faith and contempt towards my Immaculate Mother, who for many years came by my order, to call them to prayer and conversion.
As long as they do not repair their terrible mistake, the Church and the people will suffer. Pray, pray, pray, and repent of your sins, people of hardened and unbelieving hearts.
I will ask much from the Prelature of Itacoatiara and for every word of outrage spoken to my Immaculate Mother, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace.
At that moment, God made me hear something: I heard at the same time several voices speaking, laughing, mocking, laughing, saying words of derision against Our Lady and her apparitions in Itapiranga, acting against the designs of God. Just as Jesus made me listen and understand, God will one day make each of these people remember every word and mockery that came out of their lips and they will be with tears in their eyes.
Bend your knees to the ground, for only she can avail and plead before my Holy Throne. I will make them all see their errors pass before their eyes, for not having obeyed her and allowed themselves to be overcome by Satan's lies and errors.
Our Lady asked for all of us, for the Holy Church and the people, so that Jesus would not punish us as we deserved. St. Joseph, joined the Holy Virgin and also asked for us. Seeing them both praying for the Church and the world, Jesus blessed us. Our Lady spoke again:
My son, tell everyone to always trust and consecrate themselves daily to our three Sacred Hearts. Ask for the graces, do not give up begging for them and your prayers will soon be heard, and God will grant them, as He will have mercy on all of you. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!