Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, March 30, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, pray a lot and make yourself pray, because prayer can change everything in the world. A heart full of faith and trust in God obtains everything from his Divine Love.
Pray for the Shepherd, the Great Shepherd. Soon, God will accept his final sacrifice for the sake of Holy Church and the sheep. As my Son Jesus told you: the Good Shepherd is the one who gives his life for the sheep. Three saints are interceding before the Throne of my Son, supporting the Shepherd in his sacrifice: Saint Gemma Galgani, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Veronica Giuliani. These three saints have, by divine order, by my and St. Joseph's requests before the Lord, an important role in these difficult and painful times.
Let everyone ask for their intercession and God will soon give humanity another chance and your tears of pain, my children, will be changed by tears of joy. Pray and trust. I bless you!
When Our Lady said the part of the message: the good Shepherd is the one who gives his life for the sheep, I heard the words "the true shepherd" being said at the same time. I also understood that the three Saints she mentioned in the message, three Italian Saints, intercede for Holy Mother Church, which is found in Italy and elsewhere in the world. These saints are the model for each one of us, because they knew how to meditate and honor the passion of Jesus, to the point of suffering it in their lives, receiving in their bodies, united to the love of Jesus, the stigmata of the passion, to help the Lord repair the sins committed in Holy Church and in the world, and today, they are at the side of the great shepherd, who offered himself to God for the salvation of Holy Church and humanity from this deadly virus, helping him in his final sacrifice, as a victim of atonement, accepted by God. All of us, united with him, let us offer our prayers, sacrifices and penances, offering to the Eternal Father, the merits of the Immaculate Lamb, in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world, because in the current situation we are going through, we have only the word of God in our hearts, the cross and the Rosary in our hands, as the means to offer reparation for the sins of the world and to beg forgiveness and mercy for all from the Heart of Jesus.