Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, I was betrayed with a traitor's kiss in the past. Today, there are many traitors inserted within my Holy Church who tear my Divine Heart apart with their evil actions, allowing the glory and splendor of my Bride to be desecrated, despised, diminished and fought against. Dense darkness surrounds her, wanting to make her sink in the great storm she is going through, being strongly attacked by the great and violent waves that are nothing more than the false ideologies and doctrinal and theological errors that are preached to souls, confusing them and making them lose faith, denying my true teachings through falsehood and lies.
The enemies of the faith and of my Church act in hiding, but I, at the right time, will rip the masks off all of them.
Pray for the true Shepherd, the Shepherd who has been forced to resign, because of the agents of Satan inserted into my Holy Sanctuary. These are the wolves disguised in sheep's clothing, these are the ones who for the sake of money, power and pleasure sold their souls to the devil, just as Judas sold his own and handed it over to me for thirty pieces of silver.
Poor souls, a little more time and it's all over for them. Everything passes quickly. Man's life in this world is short. The most important thing is the salvation of one's own soul, and woe to those who, in their last breath, My justice finds unprepared, far from My grace. Comfort, my son, my Heart, for my justice will be great and strong, when it falls upon the satanic, upon the apostate and infidel, and no trace of them will remain. I bless you!