Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, unite yourself to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, which suffers for the loss of many souls. My Son came to save them, but so many rejected his divine love and graces, thinking that the world could give them life and happiness. Pure illusion that the devil placed in their hearts. Nothing is more precious than my Son's love, his grace and forgiveness. Whoever is united to his Divine Heart has true life, has the gates of heaven open to him. The world cannot give you eternal life, only my Son can give you the kingdom of heaven. Fight for heaven and not to have things in this world. Everything passes away. It is of no use to have material possessions if your souls are rotten, destroyed by sin, and make you deserve the fire of hell.
My son, the great persecution will come for the Church and for many of My children. The persecution will be visible, frightening and terrible. The agents of satan will silence and lead to cruel martyrdom many people who will not deny the truths left by my Son Jesus. They will be days of great persecution and pain. But, the triumph of my Son over all evil will come, when he acts in the time established by the Eternal Father, in favor of his Church and of those who will remain firm and faithful to his holy teachings, who follow him with faith, carrying his cross. Many modern media will become his enemies and what will lead many to cruel martyrdom.
Pray, pray, pray very much, my son, and tell all my children to consecrate themselves and their families daily to our three Holy Hearts, and to ask the protection of St. Joseph, the Protector of the Holy Church and of their families. He, by order of the Holy Trinity, will protect and help them in these difficult times, humiliating the devil, destroying all his snares, lies and attacks against the Lord's children who cry out for his Divine help in these difficult times. Every night, pray to your Guardian Angel. They have the mission to rule, guard, govern, and enlighten your lives, by order of the Lord of heaven and earth, who cares for his children with such love and zeal. They will appear visible and perform great miracles to deliver them from dangers of soul and body, the more the times become dark and difficult. As the Angel of the Lord was sent to deliver Peter, so your Guardian Angels will do so many things for each of you. Have them as your great and faithful, God-given, friends to each of you.
I bless you, my son, as well as all mankind!