Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My child, I come to you, to tell you about the great love of God that is outraged, rejected and forgotten.
Many of my children have banished God from their lives, no longer worship him, and do not acknowledge him as the Lord of their lives.
Spiritual blindness is so great that many are insensitive and have closed their hearts to the Lord, and are deaf to his call.
The Holy Church is going through its most painful and terrible time, being attacked, fought and silenced. But the greatest danger does not come from outside, it comes from those who are inside her, inserted in her bosom to reduce her to nothing, leaving many faithful without Divine nourishment, without light and without hope, so that they fade away in their faith.
Woe to those who allow Holy Mother Church to be obscured and subjected to iniquitous laws that are against the Divine orders and against the Lord's teachings.
Woe to those who do not care for the honor and glory of God and think more of themselves, wanting to save their own lives. They worry about saving their bodies, but their souls are blacker than coal. They talk about obedience, but the worldly obedience that comes from men, rather than the divine obedience that comes from God.
Many are being sifted. God in His infinite wisdom sows the wicked and causes the wheel to pass over them (Prov. 20:26)
God is showing many the reality of their own souls before Him: those who have faith and believe, and those who do not have it and are unbelievers, because they lived by appearances alone.
Those who do not have faith and do not live by it are without a sure direction in their lives, because it is faith that guides the soul to the safe harbor of salvation, that leads to heaven.
How many empty souls, without light, without a secure base, foolish, who built their house on the sand, full of the vain illusions of the world and of ideological and philosophical thoughts contrary to the teachings of my Divine Son, instead of having built it on the solid and secure rock of faith.
"He who does not believe will be condemned," are the words my Divine Son said to all those who would refuse to welcome his extraordinary and holy teachings that divinize men.
Whoever refuses to believe, refuses God himself and his love, and cannot merit his blessing nor participate in the benefits of his graces and glory.
He who believes participates in the mystery of love and union of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who communicates to souls his gifts and his fruits that embellish, sanctify, and perfect them more and more.
Be faithful and obedient to the Lord and many will be witnesses to his wonders and prodigies on behalf of his people, for the Lord is the God of the living and not of the dead, for all live for him. Be with my peace and my love.
I bless you!