Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, I, your Mother, come from heaven to tell you to remain always faithful to my Son Jesus, even in the greatest trials and for all that is now to occur in the world. I have already warned you about the decadence of the faith, the infidelities of the clergy, and the terrible trials that the many faithful who keep the testimony of my Son Jesus Christ will have to endure. Great outrages and things never thought of will happen within the House of God, scandalizing the faithful even more, and because of the mockery of the faith, so many will disbelieve in the Church of my Divine Son.
Satan's hatred against the Church and the Eucharist has become more fierce and visible, as never before, because his Satanic and Masonic agents inserted within the Holy Church act tirelessly so that the precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of my Son Jesus Christ will be despised, trampled upon and outraged, as an unimportant thing that does not deserve the respect and worship due.
Many ask questions and desire a light on how they should behave and receive Jesus in the Eucharist in these dark times.
The dispositions for distributing or receiving my Son Jesus Christ in the Eucharist remain the same for heaven. They have not changed in heaven because of human orders and laws. It is men who must obey the divine orders, the tradition of the Holy Church and her true Magisterium, and not God who must submit to the errors and changes made by unbelieving men, who act for the fulfillment of their sinful interests, with the persecution of the Church and the faith. God is not deceived or mocked.
Always receive my Son Jesus worthily on your lips and on your knees. Do not accept, if they force you, to do otherwise.
As for the question of ...?
Priests should never celebrate the Holy Sacrifice wearing masks and gloves. It is disrespectful to God, the Lord of heaven and earth and an outrage to the very Holy and Sublime Mystery they celebrate.
May they never touch the Sacrosanct Body of my Divine Son nor distribute Him to the faithful wearing gloves. Let them no longer offend Our Lord who is already much offended.
In Fatima, I told you that Russia would spread her errors, promoting wars and persecutions of the Church, that the good would be martyred, and that the Holy Father would suffer greatly. You are living these days, and you will see the persecutions and sufferings increase more and more, even to the point of celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of my Son in secret, if you wish to celebrate it in the right, just and holy way as God wishes.
This evil against the Church of my Son and against the Eucharist began to be inserted in the midst of the
Ministers of God from 1960 on. It was necessary in the Masonic plan, that the Ministers of my Son adhere to modern and worldly ideas, leaving aside the priestly garment and the celebrations of the Holy Sacrifice, formerly carried out in the Tridentine form.
How many evils could have been avoided if they had not taken away this sublime gift from the faithful, making them have a distorted vision of the Holy Divine Sacrifice to a mere banquet. How many priestly souls have been eternally condemned to the fire of hell, and how many others are in the same danger, for having been unfaithful to the Lord, thus allowing so many theological errors and worldly ideas to lead many souls, today, to the abyss of perdition. The Church was strongly wounded in that period, and today it has been wounded once more and is bleeding profusely, because the blow that was given to it was deep, making it stagger and lose its strength, because the forces of darkness want to eliminate it from the face of the earth, creating a new humanity without God, which accepts all kinds of errors as if they were truths, teaching souls as if God were present in all these errors and would accept such nonsense. God is only one: listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord!
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the only Lord of heaven and earth. Outside of Him, there is no other God and Lord, and outside the Holy Church, founded by my Son Jesus Christ, through the action of the Holy Spirit, there is no salvation. Those who do not believe these truths will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Teach this to everyone. Enlighten souls, that they may open their hearts to divine truths and be saved.
I bless you!