Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, who love you so much, tell you that without prayer there is no conversion, without holiness there is no heaven for you. You were created free to follow and to choose the path you wish: whether you want to be with my Son in heaven or whether you want to be with the devil in hell. Which path do you want to follow and choose? If you don't want to follow the path of holiness, you are showing that you don't want to belong to God, you don't want to be happy and you don't want to get your place in heaven. Choose the path of goodness, my children. Choose the path that leads to God, and you will not regret it. Do not be deceived, do not let the devil deceive you, nothing of this world can give you true happiness, only in God can you find eternal peace and joy. In my Son you find the strength to overcome the evils of this world, for his divine love is more powerful than all evil. Overcome evil with love, overcome the darkness of sin with his divine Light. Before the love and the Heart of my Son all things hidden and obscure are discovered and made clear before everyone. Nothing escapes the radiance of his divine light, which reveals the truth, conquering every sin, lie, and the spirits of impurity and death.
In God is your victory, but without him you are nothing, dry and lifeless dust. Return to the Lord, return to the Lord now, and he will forgive you and wipe away the tears from your eyes and give you comfort, love and peace. He denies nothing to a contrite heart that loves him and asks for his divine forgiveness sincerely.
I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!