Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace to your heart!
My son, once again heaven comes to speak to you, once again God allows you to join heaven, to receive love, peace, blessings and graces. No human mind can comprehend the benevolence and greatness of the Lord in these meetings of ours.
God speaks to you, through me, God calls you and all mankind to conversion. God desires the holiness of all his children, that they live a life of conversion and sincere repentance, before the terrible day of his justice comes, which will punish every sin and every action committed against his divine will. Nothing will escape his divine judgment.
Pray, my son, pray for those who have abandoned God and his so holy path. Pray for those who no longer care about heaven, but live obsessed with the world, with its false joys and pleasures that save nothing, but lead to the fire of hell.
Satan is destroying many souls with sin, so many of them are caught in his hellish traps and have no strength to free themselves from his clutches. Pray and sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, so that many souls repent of their sins, ask God for forgiveness, and get back on the right path.
Souls are precious to God and to me, their Heavenly Mother. Save them with your prayers, with your sacrifices and penances, helping them to find the holy path of heaven that leads to the Heart of my Son Jesus.
I am beside you to grant you my love and my maternal help. I love you and give you my love, that you may take it to all my children who need it: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.