Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, April 8, 1993
Holy Thursday

My children, look at LOVE. On the Holy Table, LOVE has become Sacrament! LOVE IS made Bread! LOVE made the Cross!
I ask you to adore the Human GOD with your hearts again! I ask you all to adore Jesus again in the Tabernacle! See how much Jesus loves you and how much you offend Him!
Today, on the day of the Institution of the Priesthood, I tell you that I am saddened by the priests' betrayal of their vocation (here She began to cry).
I ask priests to live seriously and faithfully their own vocation! I bless priests, faithful servants of my Son, and I pray for the conversion of sinners.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". (Holy Thursday - after Communion)
Second Apparition of this Holy Thursday
"My children, you will never be able to evaluate the LOVE that led Jesus to institute the Holy Eucharist.
Pray to Jesus in the tabernacle! These are 'the times' when I take you to the Tabernacle. Worship Jesus! LOVE Jesus in the Tabernacle!
I ask you to give yourselves to others, to transform your families, your groups, into Eucharistic 'altars'.
Be the Messenger Angels of Jesus in the Eucharist! May they all feel Him in you.
Today, I, the Mother of the Eucharist and of Sorrows, bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.