Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 8, 1994
Seventh Message

"My children, today I come from heaven to tell you about the LOVE of the Heart of Jesus. My children, GOD wishes you all the Peace and all the Blessing!
During YOUR 'mortal existence' here on earth, Jesus proved to them all YOUR LOVE, and gave them an example by healing the sick, forgiving the poor and miserable sinners, raising the dead, spreading LOVE. Today Jesus reveals all YOUR goodness, sending ME to give them my messages.
Jesus revealed YOUR LOVE in a special way when He showed YOUR Sacred Heart to my daughter, Margaret Mary Alacoque.
On that occasion, Jesus, showing her His Most Sacred Heart, wrapped in the 'Flame' of LOVE, told her the Great Promises to those who would make the first nine Fridays of the month, with the intention of making amends to YOUR Immaculate and Holy Heart. He joined more promises later, to those who joined the nine first Saturdays, in reparation to my Immaculate Heart.
Jesus, full of LOVE and Compassion, continues today giving all YOUR LOVE, through HIS Sacred Presence, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Jesus continues, even today, in all the tabernacles of the earth, as a 'bloody and silent immolation', for each one of you. for your LOVE!
I am the Messenger of the Eucharist! Jesus, today, suffers a real 'bombardment' of sacrifices and offenses in the Blessed Sacrament. and today, Jesus asks for reparation! (pause)
Notice Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. so offended and despised!
When Jesus showed Saint Margaret His Sacred Heart, He was 'Crowned with painful thorns. Today I can say that the "consecrated Host," my Son LIVE and present, is again "Crowned with very sharp Thorns," caused by the offenses he receives at every moment in this Sacrament.
Therefore, I come to ask you, in this afflicted Message, to make reparation to OUR Hearts, because my Immaculate Heart also suffers when it sees my Son. and men, in this state, only living to offend their GOD. and mistreating each other.
To those who make these reparations, for 9 months, we promise, Jesus and I, the right Salvation, and all the graces necessary to live an authentic Christian life. As LOVING Mother, I warn you, the Crown of Thorns that is in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, will only be taken away in the same way it was placed: - For you!
Be converted. Repent of your sins! Jesus loves them so much that it is enough to see only one 'drop of love' for Him, and He already forgives an infinity of sins and ingratitude.
My children, LOVE the Lord and YOUR Mother! LOVE one another with sincere brotherly LOVE! Thus, OUR Hearts United and thus Bound, will be sure salvation for you in the time of hard trial.
My children, we want to inflame you with LOVE! Give us your hearts. Jesus and I want to save you!
(Marcos): (In all these Messages, Our Lady presented herself dressed in the same way, but with greater glory and splendor, to sublimate even more the 'urgent value' of these Messages)