Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 28, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My children, today, once again I come to speak to you. and now. I ask you to listen to My WORDS.
My children, I am a Mother who 'cries out in anguish' in this immense desert. O my children, listen to my afflicted call to return to GOD!
My children, in these times of dense darkness of evil and selfishness, be you the ever-lit 'torches of LOVE' in the midst of an atheist world completely removed from GOD!
My children, be 'effective signs' of My Presence here and of the Grace of GOD, who acts, surrounds and completes this 'WORK' that He has sent Me to do here!
I have been calling you and inviting you to come back to GOD for so long, and you still continue to resist My Burning Call.
My children, come to my Immaculate Heart! and be guided by my Sweet Mother Voice. I have been warning you of the danger you are in, in case you do not wish to convert, nor to attend to my requests.
A Great and Bloody War is preparing to break out in a short time, if you do not change your hearts and repent of your sins. How many times have I wanted to gather you and keep you under My Mother Wings. and you didn't!
My children, wake up while there is still time! Wake up, my children! Convert without delay and make sacrifices, because soon the time for humanity's conversion will be over, and GOD will 'ask' each of you to account for all the sins you have done. I cry a lot, because you play deaf to my appeals. (Here She interrupts and cries.)
My children, help me! Help Me. because I no longer know what to do to save humanity.
My children, I love you! I LOVE them! I LOVE them! That is why I am distressed to see so many of my poor children (pause) fall into hell 'in these times'.
Three Huge Punishments are hovering over you. and you are not caring! I'm talking, and you don't even care!
How can you have such a hard heart and such insensitivity to My Appeals? In fact, My Voice falls into an immense desert, 'in these times'. with no one to answer Me!
My children, I am your Mother! Come to Me, all of you, through a sincere conversion, a deep and true repentance of your sins! My Mother Heart 'trembles' in anguish, without knowing what else to do! Help Me!
Today I leave this My Affliction Appeal (pause) I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.