Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 4, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today raise your eyes to Me, Your Immaculate Mother! In these times, in the world, there is a need of much prayer, sacrifice. and above all of My LOVE and Mother's presence.
Dear children, dense darkness has taken over the world, and darkened even the Holy Church of My Son. Evil is deepening, and it is approaching humanity.
Satan now proclaims his conquest of humanity. He has conquered the world powers, the authorities. He has perverted the youth and children, destroyed families, relaxed My Consecrated Children. He has sown crime, errors, and wars on all sides. Nowhere does Peace reign!
My children, today My Mother's Mission is to train them, lead them and guide them along the road of prayer, penance, conversion. Do penance, my dear children, and give yourselves to me!
Blood will flow through the earth. You do not open your heart to Me! For so long I have been warning you about the evils of humanity, the Sorrowful Flagels that are coming upon you.
My children, I ask you to give your being to Me! Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Seek to return to GOD! The world is heading for a great storm, and many sufferings will come.
The SECRETS already communicated so far must be fulfilled. and what will become of obstinate sinners? My children, My children, listen and heed My laments, who are falling into this immense desert. Listen to My WORDS! feel My poignant pain.
Renounce Satan and his hatred. Long Live LOVE! Obey the Lord and His Holy Law! You are far from the Lord and that is why you receive no Grace.
This is the time when violent earthquakes will shake the Earth. O poor humanity! Never have so many threats survived on you! But if you convert. Our Lord will even perform Miracles!
Love each other! Love each other like Jesus and I LOVE you! Love each other with sincere brotherly LOVE! Visit the sick! Take to them my Motherly Affection, which comforts them in the midst of so many pains and sufferings!
Visit the inmates! Proclaim to them My Messages and the Gospel of My Son Jesus, so that they may find the road back to GOD. and thus also find salvation!
Let everyone have a word filled with my affection, my presence.
Pray! Live in prayer! and give everyone an example of prayer.
Soon the DAY of the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will come. and the VICTORY will be of the Heart of Jesus and of MY Immaculate Heart. to renew the Heavens and the Earth.
In the place of these evil thrones, the Thrones of the Heart of Jesus and that of my Immaculate Heart will arise. Tears and sorrows will never be seen, for those who are Mine will overcome with Me, and this perverted world will be renewed by the LIGHT that we will shed on it.
Have confidence and be filled with My LOVE and My Goodness! Fill yourselves with Hope! I am the faithful Virgin who brings you the Message of Hope.
There will be a Second Great Pentecost...that will renew heaven and earth. Sin will be banished once and for all from the face of the earth, and the KINGDOM of Christ will come with YOUR GLORY.
Yes! Amen! Come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!
Pray always! Pray the Rosary every day! Commune! Have an intimate life with the Lord through prayer.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".