Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 18, 1994
Message of Our Lady prophesies the Cave and the Fountain of Grace

Dear children, today again, I come to invite you to Peace of heart. This city, so dear to me, was elected and chosen.
Dear children, this 'Holy Work of Myself', in fact, began in Fatima. To My Three Little Shepherds, I entrusted the beginning of this very difficult Mission.
When the Miracle of the Sun confirmed my presence in the Cova da Iria, everyone believed, and my Message became known to everyone.
A few years later, in response to My most ardent Appeal, My Pilgrim MTA of Fatima passed through all the regions of the earth, inviting My children to prayer, to sacrifice. to respond to My calls. It was not simply an Image that came, but Myself, that came to help My children.
When it passed here, dear children, my predilection for (.) Everyone passed before the Image, to give Me their kisses. It was there that I looked for someone to choose. someone in whom I would deposit My 'Seed', so that, in due time, it would germinate. and I could manifest myself.
You, my son, knew nothing of this, but. of all who passed, you were what pleased me the most! I saw you with all your suffering, My son! Your innocent and pure soul enchanted Me. and I was happy to see a soul as candid as the pure and light flowers of the Lord's fields.
On that day, in you, I placed. the 'FIRE' of the Holy Spirit. Three years later, in his due time, the DIVINE Gift would awaken.
The Apparition of Fatima is the beginning. and this Place is the conclusion of the Messages of Fatima.
Right here, there are consecrated people at the moment of baptism to Me. with that name. This My City will soon be transformed into a 'bag of Grace', and 'this Place'. sanctified by My Presence, will be the point, from where I will spread Mystical Light all over the Earth.
A Grotto of Me will be built, and the WATER that emanates from it will cure many illnesses, mainly of the soul.
In a Temple dedicated to Me. (I cannot reveal)
In this Place, I will pour all my LOVE. It is the Matrix of the Immaculate Conception! In it, I pour torrents of Grace and Blessings.
My children, have confidence! All of you are 'precious' to Me! I love you infinitely!
Pray the Rosary every day. It is the prayer I came to ask for from Heaven! My children, open your hearts!
I bless you all with deep LOVE. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit. (pause) of Fatima! and of Jacareí".