Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, June 18, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My son, today once again I ask you: - Look at the 'mist of anguish' that surrounds my Immaculate Heart. A very sharp 'sword' wounds my Heart.
I renew today the Request for the 'Hour of Peace'. The Hour of Peace will renew hearts, unite families again, bless many religious communities, bring peace.
To all who live with LOVE this Message every Saturday*, may you have the special grace of GOD and of my Immaculate Heart".
*Marcos: (The Hour of Peace, asked by Our Lady, must be done every day at eight o'clock in the evening, especially on Saturdays, and counts with the prayer of the Rosary of Peace, reading and Meditation of the Messages of this Book, and also of the Holy Gospel)