Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, July 25, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, may the Peace of Jesus be with you! My dear children, I invite you to the LOVE of GOD! Dear children, may this LOVE of GOD renew your hearts and make you understand YOUR Holy Will (of GOD).
Dear children, today I pour on you my Maternal Blessings. GOD, through Me, wants to invite you to LOVE! I am your 'Mother', sent to earth to invite men to return to the FATHER.
My children, repent of your sins! Stop offending the Lord so cruelly! I came to invite you to LOVE that only GOD can give, because only HE truly has it!
My children, the way of prayer is the one I come to take you to GOD. In the WORD of the Lord it is proclaimed: "...whatever you breathe, praise the Lord! Even the most silent plants praise the Lord night and day with their plant life. Even the animals sigh for the Lord and for My Presence.
Look at the birds that sing joyfully to the Lord, doing his humble adoration. The sparrows worship the Lord!
But of all GOD's creatures, man is the most rebellious to the Lord! O humanity, stop sinning against the Lord, and live in the perdition of impurity!
I am the Mother who has sought you so much, and you have only responded to Me with ingratitude. My children, correspond to My Messages!
My dear children, why are you desperate for your lives? Why are you so distressed with eating, with dressing? Am I not here at your side? So, what do you have to fear?
Don't worry too much: - GOD will take care of you, and I will always be at your side!
My children, open yourselves to the LOVE of GOD the Creator! The Heart of Jesus is filled with Mercy for each one of you! Penetrate this Heart through prayer!
I carry a 'rose' in each foot today, as a symbol that I want to transform the world into a 'blooming garden'. Help this Mother!
The Rosary is the 'weapon' with which we will fight together! The Glory of My Son will 'shine', and everywhere, the Majesty of GOD will be seen!
I bless you, dear children, in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".