Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

I come here to ask everyone to live My Messages and to give Me, dear children, your heart to give it to GOD.
Little children, I am very happy today with your presence in this place! I have manifested through my image the same Sweat of Pain, and also, children, a serious Face, so that you could understand that my Invitation to conversion, dear children, is now, for now!
To all today I turn my gaze, to all today I open my Immaculate Heart, to all today I close within my Immaculate Heart.
My dear children, I am very happy for all those who have come from near or far to pray. Dear children, many want to see me, but this is not the greatest grace I offer you in this place. The greatest Grace I offer you, my children, is to be converted sincerely and to live all that Jesus and I ask of you.
Today the Nine Choirs of Angels are here with me! Yes, children, a Battalion of Angels has always been at your side, praising and worshipping with you, and they are all here. You all receive again, dear children, My Seal, so that you may belong entirely to Me, without reserve.
Dear children, next month will be four years of My Presence in this city, with My Appearances, My Tears, and My Messages.
I want, My children, to invite you all to come on February 7, all with a more open heart, and before you come, commune in your churches, for it is THE DAY OF UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY FOR PEACE!
My children, at night, I will await you all here, all, all! Many were healed last month with the Rain of Blessings that I brought.
Yes, My children, My LOVE never leaves them. I am, little children, always by your side! I bless you, I cover you with blessings and I ask you, my children, to convert and return to the Lord! Convert yourselves and return to the Lord! Convert and return to Him through the road of prayer and penance! Convert, My children, with sincere brotherly Love! Convert, My children, and live the LOVE of GOD!
To everyone, My children, I say that I am very happy with your prayers. Today all Heaven rejoices in your coming here! Next month I wish to see many children at my feet in prayer.
My children, pray a lot for the Pope! The Holy Father, the Pope, needs prayers much more in these times. Pray for the Church! Pray, My children, for all those who are far away, who are on the path of evil, sin and perdition. My dear children, I beg you, I implore you, give their hearts to Me in My Hands, so that I may deliver them to Jesus.
Dear children, I am your Mother and I bless you, I know all your needs, and as I did on June 7 of last year, I will reveal it to you again: - In every part of My Brazil, in every Brazilian state, very soon this Grace will be given: - The presence of the Mother in Heaven through Messages, Apparitions, of My True Seers, spread to call My children to conversion.
Worship the Blessed Sacrament! Adore, My children, because Jesus wants adoration! Give your lives to Him, let Him bless you, let Him heal you, let Him transform you completely!
Another year has passed, My children, and now this new year comes, which I want to cover with blessings and graces on all of you. It is a decisive year for My TRIUMPH, My children!
Continue to pray and always answer yes, because I AM THE WOMAN DRESSED IN THE SUN, WITH THE FOOT MOON, AND THE TWENTY-STREET HEAD!
I come to fight the enemy, the ancient serpent, who at every moment tries to take them away from Me and Jesus.
Dear children, I come with the Grace of GOD to give you, children, the LOVE, the Peace, and the Blessing that only GOD can grant. Dear children, I ask you all to follow in My footsteps, and I will follow yours. Give your hearts to Me, children, and I will pour all the Graces of my Immaculate Heart on you.
I bless you, I keep you all, and again I say: - Next month you will be granted Special Graces and Blessings! It will be a Day of deep prayer, My children, and I want you to take My Messages home and form prayer groups to spread My Messages and the prayer of the Rosary.
I say: - if you do this, your parishes will soon be spiritually healed, because I come with the grace of GOD.
I love you! I LOVE them! I love them! I love you very much, little children, and I ask you once again to be converted, and to give your heart to GOD through Me.
Hell, My children, is full of souls, because no one prays to prevent their condemnation, no one prays for them. Pray for them, sacrifice yourselves for the conversion of people, so that they may be saved, and also pray for the souls in purgatory! These souls expect the charity of their prayers.
Be, my children, evangelizers! Take the Gospel of my Son Jesus to all hearts! Speak, My children, of the LOVE of Jesus to all hearts!
I AM THE STAR OF EVANGELIZATION! Therefore, My children, be Messengers of My Peace, Messengers of the Peace of Jesus to all hearts!
I ask everyone to work in the Church, to help everyone in the Church, each according to his or her possibilities.
My dear children, I love you! I love you and I will bless you now. (Silence)
Dear children, beloved children, see what My Works are like. The more you say it is not true that I come here, the more you receive My Grace! Thank you for having responded to My Call, to My Invitation, and for coming here, praying with Me tonight. You will be rewarded, My children, more and more, with superabundant Graces from My IMMACULATE HEART.
PRAY THE ROSARY, My children! In each mystery, they draw a Sword of Pain stuck in my Heart because of so many sins, so many souls who fall into hell every day without salvation.
Little children, little children, do not sin anymore! TURN AWAY FROM SIN AND RETURN TO GOD! My dear children, to all of you today I bless and return to Heaven, covering you with my blessing. Many who have come to ask for graces will reach them with prayer, because Jesus opened all the doors of His Sacred Heart to bless them.
My children, I wish to see you all here next month. Thank you for having sung beautifully to me, for praising the Lord with all your heart! I am very happy with you, especially with those who came from Minas Gerais and other places! To all of you, My children, I bless you with all the LOVE of My Heart, and I send a Kiss with My Hand over each one of you. (Note - Marcos): (It was silent for a few moments, while Our Lady sent us Her Kisses with Her Hand)
To all My children, who already live here and who are My servants, I bless you again and I ask you, children, not to be discouraged, but to continue, because in the end you will be the happiest.
Soon the TRIUMPH OF MY Immaculate Heart will come, my adversary will be defeated, the enemy will be thrown forever into hell, and finally, they will TRIUMPH OUR United Hearts, that of Jesus, and my Immaculate Heart!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Remain in Peace!
I ask you to sing the AVE-MARY to Me, while I bless you all, praying for you again in Heaven!