Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 11, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Loved children, may the Peace of my Lord remain in your hearts. Pray, dear children, that as soon as possible, TRIUMPH my Immaculate Heart!.
Second Apparition
"- Dear children, I want to speak to you once again about the Holy Trinity. Today, dear children, Lord's Day, I want to speak to you about this LOVE of GOD.
Sometimes when I disappear, I leave behind me the symbols of the Sun, the Cross, and the Heart, or a small flower.
The Sun means GOD the FATHER; the Cross is where Jesus, the Son, redeemed them. and the Heart is the LOVE (the Holy Spirit) and also the Affection that the Mother of Heaven has for all Her children. The Flower is His Heavenly Mother, placed just below the Most Holy Trinity to adore and bless it, glorify it and repair it for so many sins with which the world offends its Creator, Savior, and Sanctifier.
The Most Holy Trinity is PERFECT LOVE!
No angelic or human mind will ever understand how great is the LOVE that exists in the Holy Trinity. The FATHER generated the Son consubstantial to HIM, and He glorified Himself for the Life that He had here on earth at the command of the FATHER, working all the Miracles, and glorifying Him for the Cross and Resurrection. The Holy Spirit glorified Jesus, descending upon Him, in the eyes of all.
LOVE is the Greatest Virtue that a heart can have. LOVE, My children, is the identity of the saints! No one can be Holy without loving, and loving very much!
The Holy Trinity, My children, is a PERFECTLY COMMUNITY OF LOVE! All that the FATHER does is for LOVE the Son, and the Son collaborates with the FATHER, and all that the Son does, the FATHER knows him, and for HIM is Glorified!
Therefore, everything that the Son does, the Holy Spirit knows, and in the same way, in everything that the Holy Spirit does, the FATHER and the Son are together with HIM.
That is why the Works of the Lord are wonderful! In them there are no wrinkles, there are no stains, there is no defect! because the Holy Trinity is an Ardent Communion of LOVE between FATHER, Son and Holy Spirit.
From this DIVINE LOVE between the FATHER, the Son and the Holy Spirit, originate all of My SPIRITS that were granted to Me, so that I, YOUR Humble Slave and Servant, with My existence, may glorify and adore the Lord of all the Heart!
From the very first moment of my Immaculate Conception, I was conceived without any stain of original sin, pleasing to GOD, and perfumed with all the virtues of the Lord, as well as all the other PRIVILEGIES.
The Most Holy Trinity is ONE GOD in Three Persons!
If you want to reach Heaven, reach the Most Holy Trinity, be humble with one another, eliminate judgements, do not criticize anyone, do not destroy anyone with your tongues.
Do not measure anyone with the malice of your heart, because with what you measure you will be measured, judged and condemned.
Be simple! Each one should take care of his heart, his soul, and if he wants to worry about his brother, be it to help him, and never to destroy him, because the RIGHT TO JUDGE belongs only to the Holy Trinity.
Be humble, children! I want you to be a community that will generate saints, that will generate many holy vocations, that will generate many perfect lives that want to dedicate themselves to GOD, and to HIM to give all their heart.
I want their hearts to always be the presence of my Lord to others, for He is the GOD of PEACE, the GOD of Mercy, and the GOD of Kindness.
Love each other and pray! Unite and pray! Love each other and pray! That is My Request!
Glory be to the Blessed Trinity every day, who in YOUR MERCY allowed me to be here for so long, beside you, giving you Messages, and helping you to reach Heaven.
You will never be able to thank the FATHER, the Son and the Holy Spirit with all your heart for this Grace that you give them: - "My Presence with Messages and Apparitions, Tears and Prayers, wonderful Signs among you, to make you understand that the Lord is GOD. is KING. is FATHER. that the Lord loves you, that the Lord is LOVE!
You will never be able to thank Him as He deserves!
Recite with great affection all the mysteries of the Rosary, every day putting all your soul to adore the Lord saying: "Glory be to the FATHER, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning now and always. Amen" This prayer that they pray in the Rosary, the Glory, is not well prayed. If men prayed this prayer well, they would know that in each Rosary they would be in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity, and before the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity, respect, adoration, silence, surrender in the Hands of GOD, and much attention to YOUR WORD is necessary!
There is no place for laziness when a heart is truly worshipping GOD.
That is why, My children, My Message wants to open their eyes so that they will understand that Jesus is full of Mercy, to grant to all hearts that open to Him. that Jesus is willing to forgive, to comfort and console totally, the hearts that want to open the doors to Him and adore Him.
THE FATHER will feel happy to see Him reflected in their souls purified by prayer, fasting, sacrifice.
The Holy Spirit will find an open channel to communicate Himself to other souls and sanctify them!
I am the Lady of the Most Holy Trinity! (pause)
I am in GOD's Side to worship, glorify, bless, and intercede for you, and from GOD to transmit these Messages to you!
I end by asking you to continue praying the Rosary every day for the conversion of all humanity, and I bless you on this Day of the Most Holy Trinity with the Blessing of PEACE, of LOVE. in the Name of the FATHER. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".