Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My dear children. today, I, the Immaculate Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. give you all my LOVE again.
Little children, I LOVE you! I LOVE them! I LOVE them! I love you with all my Immaculate Heart. Thank you to all those who came to be with me today in prayer. Thank you, dear children, for all the sacrifices and distances you have faced to be with me here.
I deeply thank all those who sacrifice themselves for My LOVE, and who live with humility all My Messages.
PEACE to you, dear children! PEACE to this world, so wrapped in darkness, full of the power of evil. But that the Lord, in YOUR Infinite Mercy, will renew and save.
I am the Queen of Peace and I want, little children, to bless all of you, especially those who most sacrifice themselves for the VICTORY of my Immaculate Heart. (pause)
A year ago, I said on this very day, that I was the Mother of families, who would save families! Today, children, again I want to ask you: - Open the doors of your families to me. Allow me, the Mother of Holy Help, to come and help all your families! I know their difficulties, I see their many sufferings, I look at all the anguish that martyrs their poor hearts.
To all I say: - PEACE! Have PEACE, children! (pause) Everyone who prays has Peace in his heart. They cannot always be in joy, but they can always be in PEACE. in Peace with GOD, in Peace with their brothers and sisters, if they are in intense, continuous prayer.
My Immaculate Heart does not get tired of pouring the balm of GOD's LOVE on all of you, dear children, but. there are still so many who do not want to accept my LOVE!
Children, why your hardness of heart? Why, My children, your hearts have become a stone of ice, that I turn on one side, I turn on the other, but... that doesn't melt? doesn't it let the LOVE of My Lord enter you?
How can I stop My images from crying BLOOD if you don't cry your sins in confession?
Even the stones are crying because the sin is too great in the world, and you children, not a tear, not a drop of repentance for your sins!
Children, I call you all. Come to my Heart, repent of your sins. Convert yourselves!!! Convert yourselves! Change your lives, dear children!!!
How many times have I wanted to inflame your hearts, your families, parishes, and the whole world with My Flame of LOVE, but I couldn't because you didn't leave Me.
Dear children, I ask you: - Return your hearts to the Presence of GOD! Be humble! The Apostles, astonished, had asked Jesus which of them would be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, and Jesus, calling a little child, said: - Whoever does not do like this child will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Little children, ask GOD to give you humility! Ask GOD, dear children, to be little, not to call anyone's attention to you! Do not seek the glory and happiness of the world, because it ends soon.
Be my little children, that every day I want to put in Colo, to pray the Holy Rosary together.
When you pray the Rosary, dear children, you never pray alone, there is always a Parade of Angels who pray with you, who intercede with you, who ask with you! and I too am always bowed, in deep adoration. and begging My Lord.
Dear children, as I said in May: - There is only one GOD, that of the Holy One, Catholic, Roman Apostolic Church. this, children, is the Way you must follow!
Invite, take My Messages to all My children, especially to the farthest away, the atheists, the unbelievers, those who are fallen into the mud of lack of Faith, of sin, of LOVE. Call all My sick little children, may they come to My Heart! I want to heal them with the balm I shed, from My Immaculate Heart.
I LOVE you all, but I want to ask you, little children, to pray in a special way for the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. He needs, little children, much of your prayers. He suffers; he needs you. Pray for him! Pray, because even a glass of water will have a reward, Jesus said. And the more I will not leave without a reward, those who pray for my most beloved son, the more LOVED.
Get ready, children! Pray, strengthen your faith! Hard times will come. Those who want to witness the Faith, should have a great LOVE, a great courage, otherwise many will fall.
Don't give, My children, grief to Me when I arrive in May of 99, when it will be My TRIUMPHER*, and don't find them in the middle of My flock, the flock of My Son.
* (Note - Marcos): (This date is conditioned to the conversion of the world, and can be changed if it does not occur. See what Our Lady says about this in Her Message of 19/09/97)
Before the century ends, My TRIUMPH will happen.
In May of 1999, I will destroy Satan, I will precipitate him again into hell, from where he will never go out, to harm the earth, and then, children, the Kingdom of PEACE, the Kingdom of LOVE, the Kingdom of Glory, will come by Grace. through the Door of my Heart, to all of you.
But. we still have three years of walking. Little children, don't be discouraged, don't let yourself go! Nobody feels alone! I am with each one of you, even if you do not feel me present, many times, but. I am.
My Immaculate Heart covers you, as every Mother covers her child, to protect him under her wings. My Immaculate Heart will give you all the LOVE, all the Peace, all the strength, all the security, all the affection you need.
Pray the Rosary every day, dear children! Do you think I will chain Satan in hell with shackles, chains and thick iron chains? On the contrary, it will be with the fragile string of the Holy Rosary.
Pray with Me! Jesus has the bowels of His most Sacred Heart wide open, to grant Mercy (pause) and forgiveness of their sins, but. go to Sacred Confession to ask His forgiveness! and He will forgive them.
Jesus, it is enough that HE sees a single drop of LOVE, of repentance in your hearts, so that HE throws Himself on you and lifts you up, embraces you, kisses you, gives you all YOUR LOVE.
My dear children, keep praying. Communicate! In Communion all Heaven is contained! Whoever receives Communion as I asked, on Sundays, at Holy Mass, and on the weekdays when they can, practically, carry the whole of Heaven within their heart, their whole life.
I want to lead you, with LOVE to Jesus, I want to lead you, with tenderness to Him! and today I, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, Immaculate Conception, bless you all, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Children! My Children! I AM Jesus, the Lamb of GOD, who am speaking to you right now!
My Mighty Arm rests upon you, and My Most Sacred Heart calls to you. Come, come to Me all you who are downcast, and in My Colo, which is sweeter than the honeycomb, you will find your rest and rest.
My Holy Spirit breathes into you all! I want to give you a taste of My Spirit of LOVE, but. dear children, I call you all, through My MOTHER, to convert and return to ME! Convert, and return! Convert, and cry! Be converted and fight! Convert and walk in holiness.
My Omnipotent FATHER, saddened with the sins of the world, sent My MOTHER, and even ME, in many places, so that this may be the Last Chance!! the Last Anchor of Salvation, which we offer to you.
O, what Pain! O, what Martyrdom my Most Sacred Heart endures, seeing souls in rains going to hell, because they lived in fornication, rolling in sin, like pigs in the mud. Because they lived in adultery! Because they lived in drugs! Because they lived in hatred and sin. O My children! what torture bears My Sacred Heart!
If you knew how the Drops of BLOOD gush forth from My Heart, from pain for you, O children, you would weep a lot before committing a single sin against Me.
My MOTHER is inviting you, my MOTHER is calling you, but. who listens to my MOTHER? Who listens to YOUR calls? Who listens to Him?
As deaf, you walk in the midst of a dark smoke of lack of faith, which has established itself in the world.
My NAME is denied everywhere! I am blasphemed, mocked and set aside! I, who created the sky and the earth, the sea and the stars, the sun and the moon. who created the plants and animals, and all of you, even I. in most houses, I cannot enter! because you do not want Me.
Oh, My children! Oh, My children! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I AM the Good Shepherd of My sheep! Everyone who prays with My MOTHER is of Truth! I call, and My sheep listen to My Voice.
All who live the Messages of My MOTHER understand what I say, because they belong to Me. And soon, My children, I and My MOTHER will call the sheep, name by name, one by one.
O, do not pierce my Immaculate Heart, my Sacred Heart, again like the spear that pierced my Heart on the Cross! O, not children, do not pierce my Heart with your treachery, with your abandonment, with your revolt, with your estrangement from me.
My Holy Spirit will lead you, and you will understand all the things that I have told you in my Gospel. Men have forgotten my Gospel! They have set aside My Gospel! They have played with My Gospel! They have distorted My Gospel! wanting to adapt My WORDS according to their rotten and sinful lives, when it is you, children, who have to convert yourselves, and return to Me, as I asked you, and called you.
O My children, O My children, I love you! I LOVE you! I LOVE you! but no matter how much I LOVE you, if you do not convert, if you do not open the door of your heart to ME and to my MOTHER. I can do nothing.
I have already thrown in the face of My enemy, who will lose. His days are numbered, and that is why he is furious, rebelling against you, provoking divorce, seducing My youth, who have been washed away by My BLOOD, My children, and My families, who are gradually being devastated by the lack of Faith. which is increasingly widespread on television, and (by the media).
Say no! Say no to sin, My children! Answer no to the temptation of My enemy. Say no, and answer YES to My Sacred Heart, and to the Projects that My MOTHER, My Order, has come to do among you.
Answer no to the world! not to its seductions!
I and My MOTHER came here to make a Real School of Saints! I came here to educate and raise sprouts of Holiness, so that I may TRIUMPH.
Do not be afraid! In place of the wicked thrones of sin, there will soon appear Two Glorious Thrones: - That of my Most Sacred Heart, and that of my Mother's Immaculate Heart!
This is the DIVINE remedy that we offer the world to save it: - Communion, especially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, so that I and my MOTHER can TRIUMPH in you!
Pray the Rosary! Go to the tabernacle and adore Me!
O, when I hear the noise of (some) steps, My Heart already jumps with joy and I think: O, a son comes to ME to adore; a son comes to BE WITH ME; but. when he leaves, you leave ME again, alone and forgotten, in the Tabernacle.
You are more valuable, and you find much more friendly, good. the television, your pleasures. your tantrums, and your sins. to stand before Me in the tabernacle and speak to Me, so that I may transform you, purify you, and sanctify you.
O my children, do not leave me abandoned in the tabernacle anymore, but give me the love of your heart. It is little, but as My MOTHER reminded you today, if even from a glass of water I will give a reward, a simple MY GOD, I CREATE, LOVE, WAIT, will have much more reward. An adoration to ME will be, children, the Jubilee of Angels and Archangels; of My Spirit, of My Heart, of the Heart of My MOTHER, and of the Heart of My Eternal FATHER.
I thank all those who have come with perseverance to the Cenacles here. I am already pouring many wonders and Blessings on everyone, and I will continue. because I and my MOTHER will proceed with OUR Plan. I will continue to come. We have more Messages to communicate to you!
Many ask for Signs. Know that the greatest Sign, I have already placed in your heart, that it is my Spirit, my LOVE, that will lead you to Holiness. You will experience in these days, the strong presence of My Holy Spirit, and the Heart of My MOTHER. But, I will give a Sign, the First Warning, that will be on a Thursday!
When this Warning comes, this Warning to humanity, then many may still have time to convert, but for others, it will be late!
Convert without delay, dear children! Do not make My MOTHER cry Tears of BLOOD for you anymore!
Woe to you, if it were not for My MOTHER! Woe to you, if it were not for this My Blessed and Humble MOTHER, prostrating herself every day, before My FATHER, with me, begging for Mercy!
Thank My MOTHER with your conversion, and pray the Rosary every day! Where is the Rosary, being prayed with LOVE and devotion, know, there will come My Salvation!
May the PEACE be and remain with you. and I bless you all with much LOVE, with the Mercy of my FATHER. with the Tenderness of my Heart. and with the LOVE of my Holy Spirit.(pause)
Stay in Peace. I and My MOTHER return to THRONE.
Continue praying every day! My MOTHER goes with you.
We take your hearts, and leave OUR. (pause) Stay in PEACE!"