Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 4, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Thank you, my children, for the love of your heart. Thank you, My children, for all of you coming! Thank you, dear children, because your love for Me is sincere. Thank you, my children, for having been able to gather you here this evening once again. You have anticipated My gift, and I am very happy with this gift you give Me, which is your hearts.
They have seen the LOVE of GOD, and they have felt the Tenderness of Jesus and my Affection.
And so, children, do you still want to go back and be of the world?
Stay with Me! In the end, children, you will be the happiest! When the Punishments come, when the sufferings and tribulations come, you, My children, those who love Me will sleep peacefully and feel nothing. When you open your eyes, you will come across your Mother, shining with LOVE to embrace you, before you!
I will come and take you with Me, so that where I stay, you will be with Me too! you will see Me, you will know on My TRIUMPHER'S DAY what it is like to have the fortune to see the Mother of GOD. I thank you, children, to all who have come today to offer all this to my Jesus for the salvation of youth.
Talk to the youth, talk to them, My children! You know that the situation of today's youth is very difficult! I want you to always praise GOD with the youth! Bring many young people!
These apparitions of mine are for everyone, but very especially for the youth. I have proved this by bringing them together here once again. Give my hug to those who could not come, next time they will all be here, because I want to give everyone my LOVE...I AM THE MOTHER AND RAIN OF YOUNG PEOPLE!!!
The first to be attacked by the enemy were the youth. The first to be saved by Me, will also be the youth. The youth will be the first to cling to My Veil, when I arrive, on My TRIUMPHER'S DAY!
Rejoice, little children, rejoice, your day is coming and My heart desires, more and more, to be close to you.
Rejoice for all your prayers. Today, through your intercession here, My children, I have freed many young people from drug addiction and prostitution throughout the world!
Glory be to GOD, My children, with Me, and open your hearts to Him! I want to lead you all to GOD, because only in GOD, children, is the TRUTH! Only in IT is the fullness of LIFE!
I, with my 15 years old, received the Grace of being the Mother of my Jesus. What joy for Me! What joy to have been chosen as the Mother of the Lord, not for My Glory, but... to serve Him, of all My Heart!!!
You, my young girls, imitate the Heavenly Mother, saying YES to GOD, with LOVE, with affection!! with generosity. Give yourselves to Me!! and your vocation, be it to marriage, or marriage to Jesus, for the sake of a religious life, I will lead you to a true vocation. Let yourselves be gently guided by Me, and I will give you Peace.
To My little boys, My children, I ask you to imitate the example of St. Joseph, who, although he did not understand GOD's Plan, said YES too, and took Me under his wing!
My children, do you not want to fall in love with Me, your Immaculate Mother? Receive Me into your home, like my Spouse Joseph, and I will live by your side forever! Give your hands to Me, my young ones, I will guide you and help you to decide for the Vocation that my Lord wants to give you! Sweet children, thank you for all you have done, for the joy you have given Me. Young people must form today, around My Heart, a Crown of LOVE, so that the enemy no longer imprisons the young people.
Take to all My youth this My Message: - LOVE them! I LOVE Them! I LOVE them! and they will be the first ones I kiss, one by one, with LOVE on my TRIUMPHER they will be, little children, My youth.
The Apparitions in Jacareí are My Message to all the young people, because I, children, LOVE My young people with a very great LOVE, and that is why I chose a young man to see Me, to tell you that I LOVE them, and that they are all Mine, and that I want to give them as a bouquet, a bouquet of perfumed flowers and precious for My Jesus.
The Rosary is the fortress of youth! When they pray the Rosary they are much more beautiful than any ruby or emerald! They shine much more than any precious stone or any star in the sky! So, children, pray! pray! pray! pray!!!
My little ones, My angels, a little kiss to all.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. in the Name of the Son. and in the Name of the Holy Spirit. (pause) Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"