Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, November 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today, with LOVE, I desire, dear children, place Me as your Mother. I am the Call of GOD's LOVE to you!
I Am the Grace.
I Am Purity.
I Am Chastity.
I Am Humility.
My Name. MARIA. Among men, the most simple name, perhaps the most simple and common name, but. that Name given by the Most High, and which through YOUR Spirit, (HE) proclaims Blessed for all generations!
I AM, My little children, your MOTHER, and I am here again today, looking at all of you, with My LOVE.
Do not be afraid, little children! I know your sufferings, I know, My children, all your difficulties; none of them escapes or goes unnoticed from My Holy Heart.
I know, little children, the bitterness, the bitter chalice of sufferings and pains, which they taste and feel every day, in everything they do.
My dear children, I extend my Hands to show you the weapon by which, little children, I will give you salvation, peace, serenity, security and trust: - the Holy Rosary!
How blessed are those who pray it!!!(pause)
Blessed is he who does not see Me, and believes!
Blessed is he who intercedes to the Lord for Peace by My side!
My Puristic Heart and full of care, of the Wisdom of GOD, will show you, little children, the Path of Salvation, the Path of Peace, that you must follow with LOVE.
I, My children, defend you, protect you, keep you. You should never fear anything, because My Heart will go before you. Don't be ashamed, little children, of My Messages, but. communicate them to everyone you meet!
I need your lips to speak; your hands to touch, your feet to pilgrim, your eyes to look, your hearts to LOVE.
Therefore, children, abandon yourselves with all confidence to My Mother's Hands, so that I, your Mother, may children, lead you to the Good Shepherd who is Jesus.
Jesus and I are here, and we want to speak to you. My LOVE calls for you! My Immaculate Heart trembles, anguished, seeing that many of my poor children go to hell, every day, without Me doing anything.
How much fire, children! How much fire! and My children screaming in their condemnation, and I can do nothing.(pause)
Intercede with Me! Ask, children, so that GOD may have Mercy from those who, until the end, do not want YOUR LOVE.
Do not massacre anymore (pause) the Sacred Heart of my Jesus, which is already crushed, crushed, for your sins. No, children, repent!!! convert!!!! I ask for your conversion.
I call, little children, each one of you to draw close to Me, because this Mother has only one dream on earth: - To see all Her children under Her cloak, safe, so that we may never be separated again.
I protect you from dangers and temptations. My enemy is furious, and now he wants to throw a horrible puke on you, My children, to attack you, because as he knows that he can do nothing against Me, nor against the Most Holy Trinity, he then stands up against you, because he knows that I am in love with My children, and that when I lose only one of My children, I cry until My Eyes are completely glued, by Tears of BLOOD. And the enemy wishes to take them away from Me, little children, so that they may attack Me, and thus cause Pain, to My Heart.
My children, say no to Satan! Say no to materialism! Say no, little children, to spiritism! Say no, little children, to atheism everywhere! Don't hold hands with sin, children! Throw the sin away from you, and come with me. I want to lead you down the path of heaven!
Be humble, be simple, dear children. I speak to you in simple words, because I am not complicated.
I want you, children, to understand that this is a time of prayer, that My pain is very great. that while I am with you, My children, the Graces of GOD remain with you too, but very soon, I will not be able to stay so close to you, and there will be days when you will call upon Me: - Come Mother! Come Mother! Come! calling for a Message, but. I won't be able to anymore, children.
So, understand that I am afflicted, that I am worried, because I want your salvation, and Our United Hearts, that of Jesus and Mine, want to make an Alliance of LOVE with you, so that you, children, may be Our people, and We may be your LIGHT and Peace.
Abandon yourselves in My Hands. Thus, My children, as one hand does not move without fingers, My Heart cannot act, without also your loving, humble, silent collaboration with Me.
Dear children, My Heart is the dwelling that I have prepared for you, and that each day I decorate, counting the minutes to welcome you. so that then, you may live eternally in My Colo.
So, children, pray the Rosary every day! Praying the Rosary is already anticipating the life we will live together, in the KINGDOM of the FATHER. Ask, through the Rosary, because the Rosary will be the WAY through which I, My children, will be able to lead you all to the Heart of the FATHER.
The FATHER in Heaven. Daddy, is calling for you! Do not delay in sin, My children, so that when you arrive the Door is not closed, and when you knock, say: - Daddy, Daddy, open us! It's us! and HE tells you: - Go away, I do not know you! The waiting time is over!
Little children, pray that you don't fall into sin, weaken, and don't continue with your conversion! Pray, because I am closer to you every day, little children. Each day that passes, my presence increases.
Do not be afraid, because the greater the sufferings, the darkness and the pains that involve all things, the greater will be the LIGHT that my Immaculate Heart will project upon you, and then, little children, it will be my Flame of LOVE that envelops you, to guard, protect, bless, enlighten, convert, detach from your vices.
Today I want to ask you, children, to say no once and for all to cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and soap operas. Above all, in this time of summer, I ask, My children: - You can wear simple and humble clothes, that are fresh, but not indecent and provocative.
The earth, My children, has become a new Sodom and Gomorrah, and I tell you, if you do not convert, an effigy will devour you all, and suffering, children, will strike deeply at My Heart, and that of you.
Do not sin anymore! Repent of your sins, children! Repent of your sins, children! I am saying all these things, so that when it happens, you will know that I have already warned you.
Do not listen, dear children, to those who say not to obey Pope John Paul II. No, children, be faithful, be humble! Turn your back on the rebels, and let yourselves be led faithfully by the Magisterium of my dear John Paul II, the Pope prepared and formed by Me for these his days, and who is my first dearest son, and whom I love so much and who will soon find himself with me in glory, because I will cover him with my Immaculate Heart.
So, children, pray! pray for My Intentions! I am with you and I bless you, carrying your hearts today, like the most precious Crown, around my Head, because in you, the children who love me, who listen to me and live my Messages, I am exalted, glorified, and I am, children, venerated in the Glory of GOD.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. of the Holy Spirit. Remain in Peace".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM. THAT I AM! My Name. is Irresistible! I AM JESUS, the Lamb of GOD, your KING. and today, beloved My sheep of My flock, I open My Sacred Heart to deposit you in HIM.
Understand, with the Light of my Spirit, that these are the last warnings given to humanity to be converted. These Messages are letters of LOVE, which I and My MOTHER send to all of OUR children!
O, how distressing it is to ME to see My poor children consumed, corroded by a cancer of lack of Faith as great as you, My generation, have been abysm* thus! * (Note - Marcos): (Our Lord as it exclaims, as he admires you, how we have fallen into the deepest abyss of sin and lack of Faith).
Every day I contemplate terrifying scenes. To see a mother looking at her child brutally torn from her womb; to see him die, without a tear of piety, of compassion.
Thousands of innocent people, every day, massacred and helplessly murdered, cry out to me, Maranatha, Come soon Lord Jesus! And I tell you, my KINGDOM of Peace is very close to you now.
Behold now the last events will take place, so that I may once and for all annihilate until I am not on a single scale of My enemy, for I will destroy him, and at last My Creation will free itself from this dark cloud of smoke from the lack of Faith which he has cast.
I, the Lamb, will keep you all, under My Scepter, and in the sight of My Fulminant Look, all evils will disappear in one moment.
I, Jesus, call all of you, who are here today, in this HOLY OF MOTHER'S ROSSIUM, so that you may become the apostles of recent times!
Go, tell all My children that I am before you, and that I LOVE you, that I AM your LIGHT, your Staff and Rock, that I AM your rest and your relief, your comfort and your consolation, that I AM, my beloved little children, your KING and Savior!
Let yourselves be led by Me, for I want to lead you all away, so that night and day, in My Royal Chamber, you may adore Me, lying on My Heart.
Thus, little ones, I, who am the Author of your Life, who created and projected you into My immense Goodness, will have back, by the POWER of My BLOOD, those whom the Father has given Me.
In My wounds I have the Soothing BLOOD to pour upon you. From My Sacred Heart I pour forth this BLOOD, and I offer you, lest, little children, your souls go hungry, and you fall into the lure of the dragon.
So also turn to the Hands of My MOTHER! Everyone who consecrates himself to her, my mother will impose her hands, and the blessing of my mother will also give you the light you need on your way.
I, Jesus, make an appeal: - My tabernacles are devastated; souls have left My tabernacles alone! Come back, children, to make hours of Eucharistic adoration, adoration of Me, in the Blessed Sacrament!
Communicate to me, little children, with your double heart (contrite and humble) before me, seeking holiness, seeking the beatitude of my Holy Mass!
I place every day in my churches, by the anointed and holy hands of my priests, the Table where I myself am Food, and I also am your Lord and Pastor.
I, children, by the hands of My Priests, give myself to you with Grace, with Mercy, and above all, with all POWER, which emanates over the world, from the Most Holy Trinity, where I am in the FATHER, with the Spirit.
Therefore, anyone who stops going to Mass, seriously offends not only the ME, but also my FATHER, and my (Holy) Spirit. My MOTHER threshes herself in tears, moans her heart, sobs take care of the poor heart of my MOTHER, who loves you so much, but. who is only trodden down by your dislove and incredulity.
Woe to those who do not welcome the Warnings that I and My MOTHER are sending you!!! A firewood burning in the fire will be little, before the fire that will consume them, to all those who worship the enemy and serve him with their sin, night and day!
Therefore, I, your Lord, call you: - Come to Me, all of you who are confounded, afflicted, because My Lips want to offer you a Kiss of LOVE and Welcome, and My Arms are already open, to embrace you with all Affection.
Generation, bend your knees before Me!!! and before My FATHER, acknowledge your sin, acknowledge your misery and your weakness, and throw away the pride of wanting to live without Me!!! Here is My MOTHER, the one I gave to you, so that HE would lead you all to ME.
My dear little ones, I ask you to surround My MOTHER, and to surround Me in the Eucharist, with much LOVE.
Once, My children, who have opened their hearts to Me and have communed with Me in true holiness, I tell you that in Heaven I will give you, My children, My Own Grace to be your food. and that in Heaven you will see the Holy Mass perpetuated, for all the centuries, in praise and adoration of My Holy Father.
You, children, stay away from those who rebel against Peter, my Pope John Paul II! Keep yourselves united to my little one, and flee from those who fight all that is pure and holy, so that your hearts may be in mine. Together with My servants, be in My desires for LOVE.
I AM the Peace!
My Name is LOVE!
My desire: - Come to ME!!!
I AM, My flowers, My children, Your Father. therefore, come to ME, because My Sacred Heart can no longer expect so much thirst that I have of you.
I bless your families today, with the Special Blessing of My MOTHER, and with My Blessing. Many of your families will be converted in the course of this year, so that you, children, may recognize that I AM the Father of Mercy, and for My children who adore Me with their hearts, I will never, never close My Hands, and therefore, Graces and Blessings are shed for you.
Come to ME in the Eucharist, that salvation awaits you in the Tabernacle, in the tabernacle of the earth, where my MOTHER worships me night and day without ceasing. Worship Me with Her and with My Holy Angels, that My Heart, for you, the passion. will give.
I bless you with LOVE, in the Name of My FATHER. in the Name of My Sacred and Most Dilect Heart. and in the Name of My Spirit of LOVE, Holy of Grace.
Take this Special Blessing; receive it from the Holy Spirit!
Stay, O My children, in Peace. I and My MOTHER return to the THRONE, and we take YOUR hearts and tears, so that, as soon as possible, LOVE TRIUMPH.
Stay in Peace! We leave OUR Hearts and OUR Spirit of LOVE".