Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 24, 1995
Holy Christmas Eve

Dear children, today I want to bring this great joy of Little JESUS. Dear children, I give you the immense Peace of my Immaculate Heart!
Understand, dear children, that when JESUS dwells in your heart, the same Peace that surrounded the Grotto of Bethlehem will be in your hearts. Open your hearts, dear children, and the Peace of the Cave of Bethlehem will dwell in you!
When you become little like JESUS, you will feel the ineffable LOVE that dwells in YOUR HEART.
I thank you, dear children, for all your love, and I bless you with the Blessing of JESUS, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Today I have accomplished another stage of GOD's Plan for you, dear children. Therefore, I will not give Messages every day, but now I will send the Messages to the world only once a week, every Saturday.
I will continue with you, teaching you to pray. Now, to you, to whom I have given much, I ask for much more LOVE. Stay in the Peace of the Lord".
(Note - Marcos): (From this date on, the Apparitions have continued every day until the present, but only the Message destined for the world was given on Saturdays. Nothing prevents the other Messages from being disseminated as well. This also does not mean that their content is any less important)