Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- Today, with great LOVE, I desire, dear children, to bless you again with the Grace of Peace. Thank you, dear children, for coming to meet me! Thank you, dear children, for having answered My call!
This is the meeting that opens our year. I wish you all, dear children, a holy year, full of Grace and filled with the Mercy of GOD!
I ask you, my children, not to fill my days with sadness anymore; do not make my dear children fall from my Maternal Eyes, Tears of Pain anymore; but rather, dear children, live a life of holiness, live a pure life, in the Grace of GOD.
I AM, dear children, the LOVE that comes down from Heaven to fill your hearts, to open and clean your eyes, to purify your heart and bring you to Jesus!
Dear children, Jesus desires to sanctify you more each day and unite you more with HIM, but it is necessary, dear children, that through prayer, you open, give your hearts to GOD, so that HIM can, dear children, purify your souls more and more.
A soul that really loves Jesus, a compulsion that really abandons itself to Jesus, lives YOUR LOVE, lives YOUR Grace, lives YOUR Mercy!
Dear children, like Zacchaeus, a sinner, went up to the top of a sycamore tree to see Jesus pass by, and when Jesus passed by, he realized the ardor of his heart and Jesus said, "Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, come down quickly. Today I must stay in your home," Jesus too, dear children, wants to stay in your hearts, wants to stay in your families! Jesus wants to live, dear children, in your whole life!
Take Jesus with you in your heart with the same joy and humility with which Zacchaeus took him! Dear children, in truth, Jesus is Mercy! There He truly said, "As soon as I entered this house today, salvation entered for what was already lost. The Son of Man came to save what was lost.
Jesus, dear children, can touch the hearts of those you love, and also those you cannot love! Jesus can touch these hearts, and with great LOVE welcome them into YOUR LIFE!
Zacchaeus, upon receiving Jesus' visit, promised to give half of his possessions to the poor, and to make amends for all that he had done wrong: to seek and make peace, to help those he had harmed. In the same way, dear children, from the moment they want to welcome Jesus into their lives, they must renounce all sin, renounce all injustice, renounce all evil.
Dear children, this is the Message that I bring to you from Heaven. I am, dear children, the lever that drives each one of you to conversion.
I am, dear children, the food of conversion! I am, as I have told you so many times, the Blessed Rainbow! I am the Blessed Bridge that binds you to Jesus!
When you see a bridge and a river, even if you can cross it on the other side safely, smoothly, if you prefer to cross the current, you may even make it, but. you run the risk of drowning, getting lost and dying.
So, dear children, if you refuse to cross this blessed bridge to GOD, which is my heart and my hands, you are in great danger of drowning in the currents and trials of the world.
Come to Me, little children! My Eyes are full of LOVE for you! My Heart, dear children, is full of LOVE for each one of you! I don't close the passage for anyone!!! On the contrary, I open the door to take you to GOD, and even so, dear children, you are indecisive in crossing or not???.
I carry you in my lap. I beg you, with Tears of Blood, with signs and Messages, so that you can, dear children, welcome My LOVE.
If you truly love Me, dear children, do not sin anymore! The saddest thing is: children who beat their mother with hatred, or even murder their mother. Every time you sin, dear children, it's as if you hit My Merciful Eyes. It is as if you stab My Heart that loves you so much! It's as if you, dear children, were plucking the most painful tears from Me that no mother on earth has ever wept! Therefore, sin no more.
Dear children, run away from sin!!! run away from sin!!!
Be converted! Follow GOD! Listen to the Voice of GOD! Dear children, renounce the snares that the enemy has laid for you, for which he hopes to separate you from Me!
Raise your prayers to GOD each day, dear children, so that HE may still work in the world the miracle shown on both sides of the Medal of Peace: the Second World Pentecost, and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart! (...Medal of Peace, where I appear in a renewed and new way)
Dear children, we can achieve, obtain this great Grace of GOD to men, through the prayer of the Rosary!
Much of what happens, much of what will happen, depends on your prayer! You wait, dear children, for it to happen and then pray. Pray, that all Grace will happen!!!
I, Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the Rosary and Mother of Graces, bless you with LOVE from this blessed place in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Next month I will again give the Blessing of the Handkerchiefs, and it will be five years since I was here for the first time, and I remain, full of LOVE.
Come each one, dear children, with a more open heart, and with a flower, as a sign of gratitude to Jesus, for allowing Me to stay so long here, at his side; this Presence that is a gift from Heaven.
My Son Jesus transmits the Message to you.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- I AM the way of LOVE! I AM LIFE! Among you I am, and I desire to make My dwelling in your hearts.
Children, if I ask you to return to ME, it is because you need all of My LOVE.
One day I was among you, and I felt in my own flesh the suffering of this humanity.
Know, children, that I love you!
How I desire each one of you! My Heart opens pulsing, asking you to come back to Me, to come to Me, because I AM the relief for your suffering.
I AM LIFE! I AM the Peace!
The paths that many of you trace, will not bring you My LOVE! I desire that you trace a new path, the path of conversion! I desire that you follow My Will.
I, your Lord, ask you for nothing more than LOVE. Love Me as I love you!
I tell you: for there to be love among you, prayer is needed. I have been asking you for the prayer of the Holy Rosary for a long time! The Rosary is LIFE! The Rosary is Glory!
I come to bring many Blessings in My Hands.
On this special day, I wash your body and soul, I pour out my Spirit upon you, and I cause you to be born again to GOD.
Children, as I suffer, seeing My House attacked by wolves, by fierce lions, who try to destroy everything and all things, especially to end the Holy Eucharist. I ask you not to allow it! I ask you to insist, in every corner of the world where you go, on the Holy Eucharist, because it IS MYSELF, made bread to feed you, and without it you will die, because you will no longer find LOVE.
Therefore, do not allow, O children, that this beautiful Sacrament that I have given you, be taken from your lives. I ask you to pray a lot for My consecrated children, so that they can be faithful.
Know that many of you will pass through Calvary, but it is for the salvation of many of your brothers and sisters; so do not fear suffering. In all the difficulty that you go through, look, and always wait on Me, for I AM your Lord.
Everything was created for Me, everything was created by Me!
I desire each one fervently! May your hearts turn to ME!
Be converted! Convert yourselves while the FATHER does not come to GLORIA yet!
Know that I desire prayer, the sincere conversion of your hearts.
I, your Lord and your GOD, am He who created you, and gives you all LIFE.
I AM the Lord of LIFE!
I AM the Lord of LOVE!
Look at ME, and see how great my LOVE is! Look at ME, and see how meek and gentle My yoke is!
I, your Lord, desire at this moment to bless you with all my LOVE, with all my Affection.
I pour out My Blessing on you: Father. Son. and Holy Spirit.
I will be with you still many days to speak to you about LOVE.
Stay in Peace".