Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Saturday, February 24, 1996

Message of Our Lady


My children, GOD, with great LOVE, look at everyone. GOD invites you every day, through Me, to choose the path of holiness. Do not walk in sin!

My dear children, today, behind every thing, a trap is often hidden.

The world, My children, is involved in a lack of Faith, a growing lack of LOVE.

I wish to tell you to pray the Rosary so that the Grace of GOD may lead you on this new path that I show you.

I am your Mother, and I have come to tell you: do not lose hope! Do not be afraid, My children, of the ice of the world and the disbelief of people.

Do not be discouraged when you encounter difficulties, especially if the difficulties are within your own families, difficulties in loving, believing, and following Jesus.

Do not be discouraged!

Do not think that your prayers are not being taken to GOD, My children!

Every day the Mother of Heaven spreads seeds of LOVE, of holiness, of Grace and salvation all over the face of the earth.

I am touching sinners, but, I need, dear children, to pray more, because My children are so many, and those who pray with Me are very few.

I wish, dear children, that each one of you may always be with Me! Just as the Mother always desires that the children be under her wings, so I, your heavenly Mother, desire that you be always close to Me.

I love you, and I tell you that if you do what I ask of you, if you pray the Rosary every day, very soon, my Immaculate Heart will achieve the great transformation of the hearts of all my children again to GOD.

Be the lilies of purity for all! May each one of you, My children, send to Heaven a pure lily every day for your pure prayer, for your desire to seek holiness and interior conversion.

I wish, My children, that in each one of you, I may place all the PURITY of My Soul and Heart, and where I may place My Tenderness and My Simplicity.

Be My children for love!

Wherever you go, if each one of you lives My Messages, I will be there, with My Immaculate Heart.

The time of my Triumph and my Victory for each of you has arrived.

I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".



