Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, August 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- Dear children, (pause) I wish you all the Peace of my Son Jesus! I am here, full of LOVE, of Grace, to give to all the hearts of My children, to say YES with Me.
I love you, dear children, I am tireless in my LOVE for you, and even when you are sleeping, I am in Heaven, interceding for all of you; my Heart does not rest.
Just as a river does not stop running, not even at night, so too, dear children, My Heart does not stop asking for everyone, for My Son Jesus.
Just like in the sea, the waves never end, just like this, My children, My trials of LOVE for all of you, never end.
I am running after My children! I am searching for them all, with My Messages, Signs, My Tears. I am afflicted to put all the sheep, to follow in the footsteps of My Son Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Dear children, abandon yourselves in the Hands of your Mother! There are many who despise My Messages, and with all hatred and resentment step on them, and on My Heart.
Do not do so, children! Welcome My Messages with love, as if they were for you, the embrace of the Mother, which cannot be given yet, because the distance of eternity separates us, (pause) but, one day, I will give this embrace to all My children.
Each Message is a hug I give you, (pause) not in the body, but in the heart, and how many have despised (pause) and rejected, this My proof of LOVE!
As I asked you in the other months, pray today, pray more for My son, Pope John Paul II. GOD is granting special graces to all those who ask for him this year. In the same way all those who, from the foot of the hill, climb up to here barefoot, offering this sacrifice for My son, Pope John Paul II, for the unity of the Church and families, will be blessed. All those who make this sacrifice will be blessed with these graces.
I ask you for the Holy Rosary! Don't forget, children, my Rosary, because I don't forget any request from you. Do not forget this My Motherly request!
Cast out all the envy, all the pride, all the evil that is accumulated inside their hearts, because it prevents them from welcoming Jesus.
I am here, dear children, and just as a lamp has the flame, and the light that emanates from this flame; the Heart of my Son is the lamp, and I am the light that shines from this lamp. Everyone who seeks Me will find the flame, will find the lamp, will find the light, will find My Son Jesus.
I bless you all, in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Dear Ones! You heard what My MOTHER said: I AM the lamp! I AM the FIRE!!! Whoever finds ME, will not remain in darkness, nor in solitude.
I AM the LIGHT, which darkness (pause) cannot hide!
I AM LOVE, that cannot be won!
I AM the Flame, that cannot be put out!
I AM Jesus, from Whom no heart can hide, nor part.
My Sacred Heart, Source of Infinite Mercy, will pour out in you, like an ocean, if your hearts are open, to listen to Me.
As the waves are in the sea, as My MOTHER said, and they do not cease, so too, I AM the sea, and My MOTHER is the waves of LOVE of the infinite sea of My Heart, for all of you.
Pray more, My children! Your prayer still needs to improve, to increase! Your prayer still needs to deepen.
Just as few can measure the depth of the ocean, so too, My children, My Heart, and the Ocean of Mercy, can never be deepened at all, by your love and prayer, but I wish you to immerse yourself in Me, so that in this way, O children, you may have LIFE. In the ocean of my Heart is the Water of LIFE, and whoever drinks from it and bathes in it will never thirst and live.
Behold, I and My MOTHER, at the end of this century, we have come here to announce the Message of Peace and Mercy. But when we speak to you of Peace, you arm yourselves for the struggles, for evil, for violence, for selfishness, for evil.
Come out of your sin, and come all of you into the Light of this Flame that calls you, and my Heart will burn in you.
As the drops of oil are put into the lamps, and there they are consumed in the flames to burn more, give your hearts to my Sacred Heart, and we will burn together, and the LIGHT that we will radiate will overcome the darkness.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
I leave my peace, I and my MOT give you peace".