Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, November 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Satan acts intensely in the world! Dear children, you must join me, Mary, Queen of Peace, to fight against the forces of evil!
Dear children, live holiness, live love! I need, dear children, that your hearts be converted to GOD! GOD does not tire of waiting for you, but, dear children, those who do not hear Our Voice will burn like firewood in a fire that no one will have the power to put out! I do not desire children, to see them condemned, and that is why I ask you: turn around!
I am the Mother who always repeats the same prayer: - turn around! It is still time to return! GOD wants, dear children, that all of you hold the Rosary with confidence, that you open your hearts so that the Victory of GOD may be total! GOD is Almighty, and will triumph!
Satan is more aggressive now, because he knows that the time he has left has reached its final stage. And now children, those who do not witness Jesus, those who do not declare themselves for Him in this world, He will not declare Himself for you before the FATHER.
Dear children, live My Messages! It is important for you to live them!
My plan is spread all over the world! I wish to save every nation, every country, every family! I wish to lead the whole Church to victory over this painful purification and persecution it is undergoing!
I want to tell you to prepare yourselves for the new millennium, not with the anguish of those who feel death, but with the hope of the children who are always in the Heart of the Mother! Those who are with Me will suffer nothing, because I promised, at the foot of the Cross, when My Son Jesus was dying, that I would protect all My children who would be baptized in His NAME, believe in Him and welcome My Mother's LOVE!
Therefore, trust, My children! Turn to GOD! GOD turns to you every day! He does not punish you as you ask for your sins, but He forgives you much more than your prayers are able to achieve forgiveness. So, before an INFINITELY GOOD FATHER, before a Mother that does not forget you for even a minute, say: - yes, I will!
Say yes to GOD! I pray that you may say yes, and I ask Jesus every day for your eternal salvation!
Pray the Rosary, dear children! It is important for your families to pray the Rosary.
I don't want to see more children suffering abandoned! I don't want to see My young people, fallen into corruption! I don't want to see more evil and hatred in their faces and hearts!
I have come to announce hope to them! I am the Door of Heaven always open! Whoever comes to Me, will always have passage! Whoever passes through Me, will surely reach Heaven. I am the cause of joy! Whoever finds Me will find joy, will find Peace!
I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Dear Ones, I AM YOUR ALL! I AM the LIFE of your lives! I AM Jesus the Lamb! I AM the HOPE of your hope!
I open my Sacred Heart to tell you: love one another as I have loved you! This Commandment, not put into practice even after almost two thousand years, I ask you again today: love one another!
The new millennium will be the millennium of LOVE!
I wish that the hearts that love and have heard the call of my MOTHER, prepare the return of my Holy Spirit with love! Truly I say to you: - that the new millennium will be the millennium of LOVE, I will pour out My Holy Spirit on you with greater force than at Pentecost the first time! And as the first time, the Holy Spirit came through the prayers of my MOTHER, now, through the Heart of my MOTHER, I will pour out my Holy Spirit again.
The serpent will not have victory! The prophecy will come true: She will crush your head!
The serpent will be defeated! By the power of My Blood, which I gave to My MOTHER, HE, the young MOTHER of GOD, will destroy the dragon, because by the power of the humble, the pride and power of Satan is destroyed in finding himself the ruler of this world and your planet.
Satan is living hatred, he sees no one and nothing! He is My enemy, the enemy of your GOD and yours too! He desires to destroy you in every way! Reject him and repel him away, with the Rosary of my MOTHER in your hands, and with my Eucharistic Body and Blood, Soul and DIVINITY in your heart!
I AM Jesus, your "ABBA", your "ALL"!
Outside of Me, you will never be happy!
Turn around! Turn around!
Only the humble of My Mother will receive the Holy Spirit! Only those who become like children will enter the Kingdom of GOD!
Open yourselves, for my Spirit is already blowing and coming!
My Spirit leads My Church, towards this new millennium.
My Church, coming out of this painful purification and this depraved century, will be raised to a very high degree of holiness, where my MOTHER will be your True Queen, and where I will be your True KING!
I will feed you with the Living Water of the Holy Spirit! My Body and My Blood will be for you a source of eternal joy, and My Church will again regurgitate and fill with hearts to love Me!
In Truth I tell you: The deserted house will overflow!
I love you! I love you!
My Church will always live, because I said so: - I will be with you always, until the consummation of the world! I LIVE forever, and I will do for My Arm and for the Strength of My Heart, that My Church may live forever.
I AM Jesus!
Stay in Peace!
I bless you with LOVE, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".