Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, (pause) today, I am the Immaculate Conception! I come from Heaven to tell you: Peace! Peace! Peace!
I Am (pause) the Woman Dressed in the Sun!
I am your Mother, and I come from Heaven to tell you: trust in GOD! GOD loves them, and that is why HE is doing so many wonders among My children, with the desire to save them.
This century has been marked by a strong presence of Mine. I manifest Myself everywhere in the world, to prove to My children that My LOVE for you is so great, that no one, none of you who comes to Me, I will deny My LOVE, and there will be no lack of My LOVE.
I love you, My children, but I also have to tell you that the conversion of many of My children is still very difficult. Pray more. Pray, dear children, the Rosary, because only through it I can still lead your world and your humanity back to GOD, the only source of LOVE and salvation.
My Messages, during all these years, do not mean anything else but that Jesus is salvation!
GOD has placed the moon under My feet, the sun serving as My mantle, and a Crown of Twelve Stars on the Head, to show them, My children, that whoever obeys, will never be confused, will never be lost, but those who obey Him and trust Him as I do, will one day shine like the sun in the Kingdom of GOD.
I love them, My children, and even if the world says otherwise, I love them. I am close to every pain that strikes your heart. The marks of your blood are all collected by Me in my heart.
I ask you: - live My Messages!!! I want, with them, to save them. If they do what I say, many souls will find Jesus, and they will have Peace. May Jesus be your Peace at Christmas.
I love you with the unlimited LOVE of Jesus! Even the bad ones, I love you with the unlimited LOVE of Jesus, and I ask that this Christmas, you give a gift to Jesus, a person to whom you will try to talk about my LOVE and the LOVE of Him, that you should take to Jesus at Christmas.
Give Jesus the joy of Mass at Christmas, and I assure you, my children, if you do so, your Christmas will be unforgettable. On Christmas Eve, My dear children, kneel beside Me, close to the manger of the Child Jesus, pray the Rosary together, we will warm Him with the warmth of Our prayer, Our vigil, Our permanence in prayer, and Jesus will touch with His Hand, the heart of each one of you, and you will feel, My children, that here on earth, nothing is more important than to be this child so small, so defenseless, but so big: - Jesus!
I leave my peace, I give you the peace of my Son Jesus".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! My People! Proud of My LIFE! I AM Jesus, the LIFE of your life, your ALL tells you that He loves you!
I AM THAT I AM! I AM THAT the world cannot and will not overpower. My Most Holy Heart wins by the force of LOVE and meekness.
I, beside My MOTHER, Immaculate Conception, tell you: Peace! May your Peace be my Heart and my WORD; may my NAME be the source of your Peace!
My children, today I want to tell you that your generation of today, walks and lives, as in the past, the generation of Jerusalem. I had warned Jerusalem, that if it did not receive the Grace that had been given to it, that of the very Son of GOD being in the midst of it, walking through its streets, making His Voice, His teachings heard, if they did not listen to My WORD, if they reneged on GOD's plan, of My FATHER; in the future, the very sin of each one of them would return to them, in the form of destruction.
They did not listen, they crucified Me on the Cross, they beat Me with whips until the BLOOD, they crowned Me with the hardest thorns, and they gave Me to taste the bitterest gall. They persecuted My disciples, My Apostles, and gave death to many of them who witnessed My Resurrection.
Jerusalem was totally destroyed because its sin was too heavy. So too, My children, My generation, here your world is living like Jerusalem. Not with so many signs that I give of the presence of my MOTHER, not with so many apparitions of my MOTHER, with so many tears that she she sheds, in so many places of the world, and even I here, beside the humble and holy Heart of my MOTHER, even with so many appeals and so many messages, your generation behaves like the goats, which have no shepherd.
You cover your ears and your heart so as not to hear My Voice. I don't want to make you sad or even frightened, but what I want to say to you is that if you choose to live without Me, your end will also be without Me.
I wish that this Christmas, or for the new millennium that is born, humanity will decide for GOD, decide for my Sacred Heart, decide for my Holy Spirit, decide for LOVE, the essence of GOD, for OUR essence.
If you return to Me, I will be the Shepherd who will place you in His lap, heal your wounds, caress your face, and give you, every day, the nourishment of My Grace.
If you return to My Heart, you will have, beloved Me, that which I myself reported in the Apocalypse: - You will be those who wear the white garment of salvation, and then you will shine brighter than the sun, which you have contemplated in wonder today.
I give you My Blessing, with My MOTHER, in the Name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
Stay in the Peace of the Lord!"