Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 2, 1997
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, GOD has great plans to operate in your lives! I have come here as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to show Heaven, the oasis of Peace that GOD wants to give to each one of His children.
With humility welcome the gift of my Mother Presence. I have been here for so long because My Heart has fallen in love with each one of My children that I want to see safe in My Arms in Heaven.
I ask everyone, the whole Church, all families, all young people, to come closer to my Immaculate Heart who loves them so much.
Do not let them offend GOD any more, with so many heavy sins! May the love of each one of you be a crystal clear water that washes away so much mud and garbage that is in your hearts.
I love you, and I ask that with the Rosary in your hands, and with Faith in your heart, you embrace My Peace, and My Sweet Heart.
Jesus is here! So do whatever He tells you.
I bless all who are here, and My Priests, with much LOVE.
This work will be entirely Mine!
I will do everything!
It just takes a lot of silence and prayer!
I myself, with My Hand, will move and say what you must speak and do. Nothing will happen without my Mother's Look being attentive and present".