Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Wednesday, August 27, 1997

Message of Our Lady


My children, I am always with you! I wish you to be faithful to the call that I, your Mother, make to each one of you. You must write the Messages and spread them to others.

Pray three hours a day, for if you do not pray, you will not have the strength to overcome the trials that will come along your way! I am the Mother of you who, even before you made a mistake, I knew you (mistakes), and I prayed that you would rise from your falls, stronger and firmer than ever, and not fall again.

Don't worry about what people or others will be thinking or saying. You cannot serve two masters. Either you will pay attention to the people, or to Me and My WORD.

Give space in your heart for the Blessed Mother to act! I will do everything through you! I will take care of everything! Let yourselves be guided by Me, like little children in the arms of the Mother. Let yourselves be educated by Me! Let yourselves be led by Me to GOD.

Our enemy is preparing a trap for you. Pray more, pray more, and he will not be able to defeat you, for he cannot resist My POWER! I have all the FORCE upon him. I love you, (pause) I will not leave you in any way!

I need you to pray more. You are praying too little! My Immaculate Heart is your refuge! Come closer to me, through prayer. Pray a lot! Pray a lot!

Always continue praying as a group, so your prayers will gain strength! You will feel stronger, and even more like praying.

Form more groups and try to pray on My Mount, where sometimes there is almost no one left. Pray with the Angels and you will receive great Graces. Pray on the Mount! Pray there! Pray a lot.

Live My Messages, because it is important for you to live them! Remember that I am forming you, as true soldiers of my Immaculate Heart.

Pray more! Take the Bible! Take the Rosary! Take all the prayer books you can, and pray! Pray with simplicity, with humility.

When you feel the desire to pray more of the Rosary and other prayers, follow what the Holy Spirit inspires in your heart. I will not be sad if you pray only one Rosary, for just reasons, and more other prayers. In all the prayer, I am present! All prayers go through My Hands to GOD, so I will always be with you.

When you have more time, pray more than one Rosary a day! I ask only that you pray with your heart, and you will overcome all temptations.

I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".



