Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Tuesday, April 7, 1998

Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions

Message of Our Lady


My children, with a Heart full of LOVE, I return (pause) to this Mount today, asking you: - convert. This is a time of conversion.

I am the Great Angel who descends from Heaven, with the key to the abyss and the great chain, to lock the devil in hell, in these LAST TIMES(pause) that you are living, of suffering, trial, loss of the true Faith, and the turning away from GOD that humanity has fallen into.

The great current that the Angel of the Apocalypse has in His Hand, is the current of My Holy Rosary. With this chain I will bind the dragon to hell, and I will cast him down forever, so that he can do no more harm to the earth.

He has harmed the earth in these times, through Masonry, through sects and false religions, which are growing more and more each day and threaten the unity of My Holy Catholic Church.(pause)

He launched His daring challenge against GOD: I will make them all reject You and rebel against IT! Satan launched this challenge to GOD, but My Immaculate Heart received from the Holy Trinity the Mission to crush Him, to shame Him worldwide and universally, and to throw Him into the abyss, from where He can no longer come out.

His claws are stained with the blood of My poor children, whom he has relentlessly persecuted during this century.(pause) His mouth smells the blood of the poor innocents, whom he has victimized and dragged into vice, sin, and total destruction.

But. he has little time! Now, My children, We can count neither in years, nor in months, nor in days, but in hours (pause) that remain for the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, and the definitive defeat of Satan.

What will happen to them, will be such a WORK, so great! It will be as if the world were born again!!(pause) It will be a new day, the eternal day, where all humanity, those who remain faithful to My Son Jesus, without faltering or denying their Faith, will receive the Just Crown that My Immaculate Heart weaves each day, through their fasts and their prayers.

Remain in everything faithful to the Church, dear children. Close your hearts and ears to those who speak against My Pope John Paul II. (pause) Do not let the anathema of division (pause) penetrate your hearts and divide, quarter and flage even more, the Mystical Body of My Son Jesus, who is the Church. Remain in everything faithful to the Eucharist, and to the Sacraments, source and origin of all GOD's Grace in your lives.

When you hear of wars (pause) and a light, a strange light in the heavens, know that this is the sign from GOD that He will purify the world of its crimes, of its horrendous crimes. But do not be afraid, those who pray and consecrate themselves to my Heart and are with me every day, have nothing to fear.

My Heart will be the Safe Ark that will lead you to GOD. Just as Noah entered the Ark with his family, enter the Ark of my Immaculate Heart, with his families, with his parishes, with his prayer groups, with all his beloved ones. I promise, that after the door of this Ark, the door of my Immaculate Heart, Satan will not dare to put his claw inside my Heart, nor will he be able to take what is already there.

Come to My Heart, dear children, for your Consecration to Me, every day of your lives, living My Messages. It is important for you to live them.

I came because the FATHER sent me, and I have been here for more than seven years, because we love you, and we don't want the condemnation of any of you. I cry (pause) for My children who are condemning themselves, but I (pause) still wait, for each son who returns to My Heart. I look at you, every day, longing to hold you, to hold you to my Heart, but many of you do not.

Open your heart, dear children. Throw out (pause) all the poison. that you have drunk and accumulated during these years, from the serpent, through your conviviality and involvement with the things of the world. (pause)

Open your heart to GOD.(pause)

The loss of so many souls is the reason for My sadness. But if there are at least ten of you who pray and live all my messages, the world will still have hope and be saved.

Pray. Pray. Pray. It will not be with one, two or three thirds, or one, two or three fasts that you will save the world, but with your conversion, and living all My Messages.

Record in your hearts the motto of my most beloved son, John Paul II: - Totus Tuus, All Yours, O Mary!

If you do this, Satan will lose all his power, and soon, My Prophecy of eighty years ago will come true: Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph! (pause)

I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) My Son Jesus (pause) speaks to them now".

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

"- My people. what have I done to you? I brought you out of slavery, I fed you with the Bread of Heaven, My Body and My Blood. What else could I have done for you?

I did not leave you an orphan, My people, I gave you a MOTHER, the most beautiful, fascinating and enchanting of Mothers. I gave you my Spirit, as Light and Warmth, so that you would never feel cold, (pause) or terror, from the dark. What else (pause) could I do for you?

My People, return to My Heart. Do not force Me to shake the earth with the Strength of My Arm, so that you may return to Me. I am crazy, and as if sick of LOVE for you, My people.

But. you have run away from ME, day and night. and I have walked all the ways, in order to find you. And behold, I find you now, My people: - a poor (pause) beggar, fallen by the wayside; full of sores, burning with fever, contaminated with the most terrible of diseases, with a withered mouth, dying of hunger, trembling with cold, covered with the dust of your old friends, who now abandon you, and trample over you.

Thus I see you, My people: - trampled underfoot by the demons, who seduced you into sin, who deceived you and turned you away from Me, and you (pause) appreciated what they offered you, instead of My Bread from Heaven. and from Me you turned away.

My People. Behold, I come to gather you in My Arms, and to take you home, the house of healing and mercy. There I will put the oil of My Benevolence on your wounds (pause) and take care of them all. There, where with only one (.) of My Body and My Blood, I will return you to Holy Life.

My People, there, as you feel the touch of that MOTHER you have abandoned, your heart will beat again, not moan. There, comforted and as you see the Light of my Spirit, and when I inspire you with His Spirit in your nostrils, you will rise again and serve Me, not as a slave, but as a beloved son of Mine.

My people, come back to Us! Why have you forgotten Me? My Cross, My Bread of Heaven, My Church, My WORD and My MOTHER are not enough for you to love Me; and for you to believe that I did not leave for Heaven, abandoning you alone and an orphan, but I left you?

I gave you the KEY(pause) myself to open the DOOR, every time you want to meet with ME, and speak, heart to heart.

My People.(pause) come back to US.(pause) Look at the many wounds you have opened in my Heart, and in the Heart of the One, who has never stopped loving you.

Renew My Church! Restore it! Defend it from the prey of those who want to divide and devour it. My Catholic Church suffers great persecution, but I am with her. My Arm defends it and limits (pause) how far the demons can go. and from where they cannot pass.

But rise, My people! It is time to awaken from sleep, (pause) because the Passion comes, because the prayer of darkness comes, and the traitor approaches.

Rise, rise, raise the flag of your prayer, and be vigilant, so that when My Kingdom comes, My Triumph comes, you will not find yourselves numb, torpored asleep.

My people, I love you, and I engrave your name on My Heart. (pause) I will never disinherit you unless you want to. Come back to Us, My people, because an inheritance, more beautiful than Solomon's, awaits you in My Heart!

Come! Come! Come! Give yourself to ME. Turn to Me, for I come quickly (pause) to conquer you, and to heal you; to beautify you, and to rule you again, My beloved people.

And I bless you with my MOTHER, in the name of the FATHER, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (pause)

Shout out this Message to the rooftops today, and come back here next month to continue your conversion".



