Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 16, 1998
Message from Our Lady

My children, I thank you for the sacrifice of being here, despite the cold and rain. Offer them to Me for the souls in Purgatory and for the conversion of sinners.
My presence with the souls of the faithful in Purgatory is a presence of sweetness and peace. When I visit the souls in Purgatory, they feel a great relief from their hard torments.
The souls in Purgatory need your prayers. Their prayers have no effect to deliver them from Purgatory themselves, but your prayers do, especially the Holy Mass, which is the greatest means to deliver the souls that are there, and then the Rosary.
I promise that everyone who prays the Rosary with love, will take one soul out of Purgatory for each well prayed account, with the heart. May your prayers relieve your brothers and sisters who are in Purgatory, and when they come to My side, free and happy forever in Heaven, they will intercede with Me for you, so that you may come more quickly to holiness, and thus possess the eternal glory and happiness of Heaven.
I bless you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."