Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 7, 1998
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message from Our Lady

My children,(pause) I thank you all for being here, on this Mount that I have chosen and marked, with the sign of My Maternal predilection.
Thank you, dear children, that we are all together in prayer, on this day (pause) that the Holy Trinity, Herself, opens (pause) to pour all the essence of Her Love, in the hearts that are open and contrite in this place.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. My Immaculate Heart (pause) is the great security and Ark of the Covenant, which I have prepared for you.
Dear children, GOD has sent Me on this earth(pause) to tell you: pray! pray! pray! Without prayer, no one can understand the Word of GOD, and without understanding the Word of GOD, you cannot receive salvation either.
I invite all of you to heed My Messages. So, My children, as the little bird (pause) seeks refuge in the nest, so too seek refuge in My Immaculate Heart, which is always open to each one of you. I will never deny you a welcome, or a remedy, in my Immaculate Heart. Come, dear children, here there will be Peace for all your fears.
Know, that the year 2000 will be marked by the Great Triumph of My Immaculate Heart already established on earth, with the precedence of some months, and that the Church, tried, tempted, persecuted and shaken by My enemy, will emerge victorious from her enemies, together with Me. And all those who have heeded My Messages will receive (pause) a light, which will never be taken away from them, the light of victory, the light of eternal joy.
Blessed are My meek children, for they shall possess the earth.
Blessed are My poor children, for their inheritance shall be My Kingdom of LOVE and peace.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of Jesus and Me. Reward greater than the sun is waiting for them, in a little while.
My dear children, stand firm on My path, and do not be discouraged, even if Satan wants to bend your heads to the ground, lift your heads to Me, and have confidence, I will always be with you.
The hour is near, My children! I am coming back, to stand by each one of you, and to give you Peace.
Live My messages. I have little time left to be with you. While I can, I ask that each of you live My requests. You so easily put the messages aside, and want to do it your way. Not so. Live My Messages. It is important; it is necessary; for each one of you, to live them.
One day, you will find in Heaven, every one of My Messages, converted into a prize, into light, and into happiness. You will find all of them, all of my messages, there, with me, and you will also find your merits, for having lived my requests.
Pray for the Pope every day, and pray for the Church. Just as when you see a storm, you close your windows and doors to protect yourself from the storm, so too, My children, prepare your hearts, for the storm is coming.
Pray for the Church. Pray for yourselves and your families, (pause) and be calm and peaceful, because I will pray for all of you.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (pause).
Listen to everything now, that Jesus tells you."
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- ETERNITY speaks to you! Generation, My chosen and beloved people,(pause) take shelter in My Wounds. In them, there is LIFE that never runs out.
Like a torrent that never runs dry, so the graces of My Wounds will never cease. Generation, hear My call, and listen with love and devotion to what Our Two Hearts have to say to you.
O generation! The DAY of OUR Victory is near. The Warriors are all lined up at the Battlefront in Heaven. My General, Saint Michael the Archangel, is already at the head of My Squadron. My MOTHER, with the Sceptre of POWER, will already say: - now!
The Battle that will be fought, between Heaven, Earth and Hell, will be as amazing as anything like it has ever been seen, since the creation of the world.
This is necessary, because the people have despised My Laws, they have ridiculed My Catholic Church, they have trampled on My LOVE and My Commandments, they have closed their ears to OUR Messages, and thus, only through blood can this humanity be freed and purified.
But, just as Judith(pause) won the victory for her people, so too, My MOTHER, has already won the Victory beforehand(pause) for My people. The only thing you have to do, is to continue to spread OUR messages, like leaves blowing in the wind.
I ask you, (pause) that all of you, in your homes, consecrate to ME Brazil, consecrate to ME the world; consecrate especially to ME this land of the Holy Cross, this land that belongs to My MOTHER, (pause) that you consecrate it to ME, so that then My Immaculate Heart, and at the same time Sacred, Pure and without stain, of a Lamb, may establish the Throne (pause) that will govern all the nations of the earth.
Generation, My generation. My Lips distill LOVE for you. My Eyes merge(pause) in Tears, of longing for you. Generation, don't you see that every beat of My Sacred Heart has become a groan(pause) of longing for you?
Come back to Me, My people, My generation. Come back! Come back! OUR Hearts are here, to give you everything you need, and even more, than you can imagine asking of ME. Open your hearts. That is all I want.
I leave you Peace! Be in My Peace, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."