Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, June 25, 1998
Anniversary of the Mediugorje Apparitions
Message from Our Lady

Our Lady:My children, I bless you with the ebençãof, the eunçãof and the stength that I bring from the prayers of Mediugórie.
A countless multitude of My children were there today, praying for the Peace of the world. They also prayed for you."
Marcos:"- Dear Mother, are you happy with the number of people who went there in Medugorie today?"
Our Lady:"- Yes, I am very happy! Many gave their hearts there, for Me."
Marcos:"-Does the Lady desire anything from us?"
Our Lady:"-I desire prayer from you, I desire fervor from you, like that of those children of Mine."
Marcos:"- Dear Mother, give us the Grace of prayer and perseverance, like that of your children of Mediugórie!"
Our Lady:"- Everything will be given to you, it is enough that you pray and ask.
Today, I bless you from Medugorii and from Jacareí, in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."