Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, September 15, 1998
Message from Our Lady

Our Lady:Chastisement is approaching. Bodies of people will explode in the air. Pray! My Heart is more anguished every day.
Marcos :"-Will we be forgiven?"
Our Lady :"-Yes, provided you pray and fight the sin of impurity everywhere."
Observation - Marcos:
"- When I and My Son Jesus were on Earth, we never addressed GOD the Father without being properly dressed.
When a soul goes to pray to GOD, it is not only the soul that must be prepared to speak to HIM, but also the body. Your bodies are eTemplates of the Holy Spiritf, therefore, worthy of respect. Respect your bodies, and always bring them clothed in holiness.
When man had not yet sinned against GOD, he could walk freely, as GOD had created him, but after original sin, man's body became defiled in GOD's Eyes, so it became a shame and an affront in GOD's Eyes, to stand before HIM without being clothed.
Even after the Death of My Son on the Cross, and the Ransom with which HE saved each one of you, men were still obliged to go clothed, and even in Heaven, the souls of the righteous all wear tunics, because nothing stained can enter Heaven.
Of course, GOD knows you just as you are, but you must all be properly dressed as I am, to stand before GOD."