Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, December 25, 1998
Mount of Apparitions - 00:45hs

(Our Lady appeared in a golden Dress,
Golden Belt, Golden Veil and Golden Mantle.
She was holding the Child Jesus in Her Arms. (covered)
From Her right Arm hung a Rosary of luminous beads)
(Our Lady)"- Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Do you know what I bring with Me?"
(Marcos):"- Diviner! The Baby Jesus!!!"
(Our Lady)"- Yes, I have brought the Baby Jesus so that today HE will bless you!"
(Observation - Marcos): (Our Lady opened and that clothf that covered the newborn Baby Jesus, looked at me and said:)
(Our Lady)"-My child, fear nothing. Do not fear any affliction and do not fear what has happened. I would not let it. I protect you and yours, they are Mine, as much as they are yours."
(Note - Marcos): (Our Lady smiled and stooped down with the Child Jesus, so that I could see both Her Look and HIS)
(Our Lady)"-Do you want to ask me something?"
(Marcos) "- I would like to ask if the Lady could bless the people present?"
(Our Lady)"-I will bless them all, and you too! Open your hands."
(Observation - Marcos): (I opened my hands, and from the left Hand of the Child Jesus and from the right Hand of Our Lady came out, from the Hand of each one, a ray of Light, which landed on my hands, one on each one. Then they blessed the gifts. Then I asked:)
"- What does the Lady want from the people who are here?"
(Our Lady)"- Tell them that this Night, pray like never before, because they will never understand the greatness of this Night."
(Marcos) "- Why was the Baby Jesus born at 12:45 am?"
(Our Lady)"- It was a design of DIVINE Providence. Later. later you will understand why this Day, and why this Hour."
(Marcos):"-Is it true that the Angels are the ones who came to help the Lady?"
(Our Lady)"-Yes, it is true! The Angels came, and while I was lying on a pile of hay, the Angels knelt around Me and helped Me give birth to Jesus!"
(Marcos):"-And St. Joseph, what was He doing?"
(Our Lady)"- St. Joseph was in another corner of the Grotto. He had just finished tidying up the manger, put some straws in it. He had taken away the remains of the food that was in the manger.
Once the straws were arranged, He placed His Mantle there, so that as soon as Jesus was born, HE would be laid there."
(Marcos):"-And after that, what did He do?"
(Our Lady)"-He set Himself to pray."
(Marcos):"-When St. Joseph prayed, what did he pray?"
(Our Lady)"- He prayed with all his fervor to GOD, and He was already adoring Jesus in mystical vision, while HE was being born of Me."
(Marcos):"-And the Angels, Did they see Your Most Holy Body?"
(Our Lady)"-No, They saw nothing. We were flooded in a very Great LIGHT. They saw nothing."
(Marcos):"-Did the Lady feel much pain?"
(Our Lady)"-I did not feel any pain. I felt an ecstasy of joy. The only pain I felt, was the pain of the Soul, for having knocked on all the doors, and no one having welcomed Jesus."
(Marcos):"-What did the Lady do after the Birth of Jesus?"
(Our Lady)"- The Angels placed Jesus on My Lap, and then Jesus looked at Me and I looked at Him, and WE communicated in thought. HE said to Me: - Mama! And I said to HIM: - My Son."
(Note - Marcos): (Tears came down from Her Eyes, as She told me. Then I asked Her:)
"- And how did the Lady do it, in the cold of that Cave?"
(Our Lady)"-The Angels made a tent around Me with Their Wings, like a dome, and I did not feel cold."
(Marcos) "And Jesus?"
(Our Lady)"- Jesus was there, on My Lap. After a few hours, St. Joseph took the Child Jesus and placed Him in the manger. I took off My Veil and wrapped Jesus, and St. Joseph took care of HIM while I lay there resting."
(Marcos): "- And the Shepherds?"
(Our Lady) "- I asked the Angels to go and tell the Shepherds, to go and tell the people of Bethlehem, that Jesus had been born. They went, but. everyone was too busy with their amusements and occupations. So, They only found the Shepherds, and it was to Them that they announced that Jesus had been born, teaching them the way and the details.
When the Shepherds arrived, they fell on their knees and worshipped Jesus, and since they were poor, They left as a gift one of the sheep that they took. It was with the wool from this sheep, that I made Jesus' first tunic. They stayed worshiping Jesus much of the night, and it was they who brought Us a little food."
(Marcos):"-What clothes was St. Joseph wearing?"
(Our Lady)"-He was wearing a beige tunic, a brown cloak, and with a white belt."
(Marcos):"-And the clothes that the Lady was wearing?"
(Our Lady)"- Brown veil, blue cloak, and very light pink dress. Do you want to ask Me more?"
(Marcos) "No, I don't want to ask any more." (Our Lady prayed with me for the people present. I asked Our Lady for a Sign and she said:)
(Our Lady)"- The Signs I will give, but I will not warn when they will happen, as has been done until now. I never told when the Signs would happen, but you and thousands of people who came saw them. But one day, I will leave a Sign here forever! Believe!!! I will leave the Promised Sign here!"
(Marcos):"-But even with so much sin?"
(Our Lady)"- Despite the sin, I WILL REIGN!"