Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, October 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children. (pause) thank you so much for coming back here. I LOVE all of you, and I know all of you who come here, and who stand before Me.
I am the Lady of the Rosary! With this Name I present myself to humanity, at the beginning of this century, in Fatima. And with this Name I present myself again, at the end of this century, to bring all humanity to meet the Glorious Kingdom of my DIVINE Son Jesus Christ, who is coming.
My children, put into practice the Messages that you have already received from Me, during all these years, through the mouth of My servant. (pause) My Messages are a Precious Gift of My Immaculate Heart, which is given to all of you, so that I may take you to My DIVINE Son.
I wish that in this month of October, you hold another siege of Jericho, in honor of my Immaculate Heart, (pause) and this siege must begin on the fifteenth, and must go until seven days of uninterrupted prayer, of the Rosary.
Why do I ask you for so much prayer, My children? Because the situation of the world is very serious. The Punishments (pause) are already at hand; some countries have already begun to be punished by DIVINE justice, through large and violent earthquakes. (pause) The Hour of Truth has arrived! The Hour of Justice has arrived! and now, everything that is covered with sin will fall.
Pray! Pray! Pray!
I am continually coming to you, but. do not obey Me. (pause) Change, My children! Let Me transform your hearts! Welcome My Mother WORD, who wants to lead you all to My Son Jesus.
Go to the Source! Wash yourselves in it! Drink from it! Drink with Faith! If you drink without Faith, nothing will change. With Faith, GOD can change everything that seemed impossible. Believe in HIM!! is all HE expects from you. (pause) Love GOD!
Go to the Pool of My Spouse Saint Joseph, dive into it! Ask GOD to convert your hearts! to infuse them with a new purified soul*! to give them YOUR Grace!
I am with you, and I bless you in the Name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit.
*(Note - Marcos): (When Our Lady uses this expression: ...may she infuse you with a new purified soul! She absolutely does not mean that GOD will create a new soul in us again, but she does mean here, to ask GOD to give us the necessary graces to achieve a TRUE contrition, a TRUE repentance of the heart, deep, sincere, in order to open ourselves to LOVE and DIVINE WILL, so that GOD can completely purify us from our faults and sins as HE has long desired, so that through the action of YOUR Grace in us, HE may give us a new state of soul, purified.
GOD desires to purify us infinitely more than we may one day desire, however, GOD is JUST, and has created us free, so that even though HE is GOD Omnipotent, YOUR Grace only acts in us to the extent that we open ourselves to YOUR LOVE, and Our Lady always teaches us and asks us to open our hearts to GOD's Grace and LOVE through prayer, through the Holy Rosary.
That's why many times Our Lady warns us that if we don't pray, if we keep closed to YOUR Grace, if we don't open to Grace through prayer, She won't be able to do anything for us, no matter how much She and GOD wished to do it infinitely, in the infinite measure of YOUR LOVE for us. However, it was this same infinite LOVE of GOD that when creating us free, established that it was so.
GOD wants and desires to save man, so much so that for Him He died and gave up His UNIGENITE SON, but YOUR JUSTICE demands that man freely and consciously accept and want salvation.
That's why it's because of YOUR infinite LOVE for us that Our afflicted Lady leaves Heaven and comes down looking for us, looking for her dear and beloved children in these times, and so many times She tells us: pray! pray! pray! She does so because She loves us, and knows that if we don't accept Her LOVE, we will perish. How many times She didn't tell us in Her Messages:
!®. don't deny receiving My Flame of LOVE. With Force violent, She goes looking for you. Accept My LOVE. Therefore, here is our poor condition: unable to open ourselves to the LOVE of GOD and of Our Lady, we will condemn ourselves, if we don't pray as She asks, plead in Her Messages, because only by the power of prayer, and even more by the power of the prayer of the Holy Rosary, we will be able to open ourselves, to open our heart to the LOVE and to the Mercy of GOD. More than once Our Lady said that the power of prayer comes from GOD, and not from us.
When a soul prays with the heart, it places itself in the HANDS of GOD, is open to HIS Grace, to HIS LOVE, entrusts itself confidently to HIM, submits and accepts joyfully and freely HIS SOLE WILL in his/her life, and ardently desires it. Many times Our Lady affirmed that during the prayer of the Holy Rosary, She transforms our souls, according to Her immense LOVE).