Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, January 27, 2000
Message of Mary Most Holy

Our Lady `revealed' that the Archangel `designated by GOD to grant the Grace of `Obedience', is the Archangel Saint Gabriel, and urged us to ask for His `help' and `intercession'.
"- Keep praying the Rosary every day, to achieve Peace for the world, and the `final route' of my `eterno enemy'.
I intercede without ceasing before GOD for the conversion of sinners, but. there are many who sin, and very few who pray.(pause)
Pray that the Will of GOD be done in your lives. Pray to St. Gabriel the Archangel to help you to be 'buttresses', and that you 'promptly obey' all that I ask of you, and all that GOD wants through Me.
Pray to Him, for He is the Archangel `designated by GOD' to grant such a Grace".