Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Apparition of Jesus and Mary Most Holy
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

My dear children. today, My IMMACULATE HEART is happy to see you here, so numerous (pause) and attentive to My Feet.
In 1991 I came here, in JACAREÍ, as RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, to communicate a Message of Peace, of conversion and salvation, for humanity.
During these years, I shifted My Message of Peace, day-after-day, month-after-month, and year-after-year; so that My children would understand the urgency and seriousness of My coming Here.
As RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I present myself to the children, inviting them to Prayer, for their pure and innocent prayers can obtain from My DIVINE SON, great Mercy to the world.
As RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I present myself to the young people today, so tempted (paused) by the Evil One, to invite them to Pray, to Purity, to give themselves totally to GOD, and to do all that He asks of them, through Me.
As RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I present myself to families, today, so disintegrated, so divided, so disunited, (pause) so full of lack of Faith, atheism, and dislove. so that they may find Peace, find salvation, find again, the path of holiness that leads (pause) to GOD.
As RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I present myself to my beloved Daughter, the Church, today, so divided, obscured in the TRUTH of Faith. today, so full of fashions (pause). so full of things (pause) that it does not suit her.
Today, I present myself to humanity, as RAINE AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, to lead it away from the great abyss to which it is directed, and to lead it to conversion, to repentance of its sins, (pause) and to total obedience to GOD.
As RAIN AND MESSAGE OF PEACE, I present before all creation, to pour out Peace upon all souls, upon all hearts, upon all My children, and upon all the Universe.
Therefore, dear children, I invite you to renew the Prayer, especially of the ROSARY OF PEACE, which I have taught you here, in your families. because, only through it, through the other Rosaries I have given you, I can grant you Peace.
Continue to fast, to confess, to take communion, and to live all that I tell you.
I bless you, in the name of the FATHER of the SON. and of the HOLY SPIRIT".
"-O souls! O souls that I LOVE! My SACRED HEART (pause) sends you balm and peace this night.
Pray, My children, for the conversion of Russia, for it, even annihilated and reduced (pause) to almost nothing, still intends to rise up. Pray! because many souls in her (pause) still do not want to recognize Me as their Sovereign Lord.
Pray! for the conversion of Europe, because it has been invaded by modernism, materialism, hedonism and technological advances. In fact, Satan has succeeded in seducing the souls of many people with the 'marvellousness' of science, technique, and fashion.
Ilude souls! intoxicate them, with the cup of their pleasures. stun them, and then devour them through vices, and worldly pleasures.
You must use your knowledge for good, not evil. I have not created you for evil. I have created you for good!! but Satan has deceived you, and now you must open your eyes, and see (pause) the snares, and the "nets," in which he has wrapped you.
Pray for the conversion of the United States, for it may be punished, for its pornography, for its pride.
Soon I will crush all the prepotency (pause) of the people. I will crush all pride, and reduce to nothing (pause) the citadels of the wicked. That is why I invite you to tread the path of humility. the path of smallness! I invite you to become like little children, who run from evil! who run from danger. who cultivate innocence and purity, and who seek what is beautiful, pure and holy.
I invite you to trust Myself and My Mother as little children. In this way, WE will be able to lead you on the path (pause) of Heaven.
I invite you to pray for France. I have tried to save you in many ways, through many Saints, through many Messengers and Messengers of MY HEART. But she did not listen to Me as I expected. and now she suffers. Pray for her! That My Mercy may help her, and yet save her.
Pray for your country, because communism intends to dominate this (pause)...opening its way. Pray! that Our Two Sacred Hearts may win in this land, which belongs to Me, and of which I am holyly jealous.
Pray for the conversion of sinners, because many souls go into the fire of hell every day, because there are not those who pray, nor sacrifice themselves for them. Pray for the Pope. Pray for My Mother's intentions, and for My Intentions.
In this month of November, offer every day at least 10 Hail Marys for the conversion of atheists, those who do not believe in My existence.
I bless you".
Marcos: "-they have begun to bless. (long pause)
After a few moments: "-La go THEM. They are going up.(pause) disappeared."(pause)
After a few moments Marcos Tadeu sang 'Ave, Ave Maria'. Then he said: "- JESUS and OUR LADY appeared BOTH dressed in white, with YOUR HEARTS SACRED visible in the PEITO.
They talked a little with me in private, gave me some advice, and at the end of the Message, of the Apparition they blessed all present, drawing with the Hand the Sign of the Cross, which fell into innumerable 'luminous beams', which landed on all.
In the countenance of TWO there was at certain moments LOVE, TERNITY, and a little TRISTE, and in the most THEM they showed LOVE and TERNITY through the presence of everyone, of everyone here".