Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 7, 2001
Tenth Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí
Message of Mary Most Holy

Dear children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace.
With this Name I came from Heaven exactly 10 years ago, here in Jacareí, to tell you that peace for the world is urgently needed.
PEACE to their hearts. PEACE to their souls. PEACE to their families. PEACE to the Church. Peace to the countries. Peace to the whole world. This is my living and ardent desire.
Pray for Peace, My children. You must pray for Peace every day, without rest. Pray the Rosary of Peace that I have taught you here, to achieve the DIVINE Gift of Peace.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is moved by hearing my Rosary of Peace being prayed with Love, for your lips. so, pray!
Pray humbly. Pray confidently. And perseveringly.
Pray My Rosary, for you known as My traditional Rosary, because it has Great POWER before My Son and Me.
Live all the Messages I have given you here in Jacari, for I tell you, My children, not a single accent of My Messages will be lost, without My effect. not a single tilde of My Messages will pass away, without all being accomplished according to the designs of GOD.
GOD has designs for each of you, so through Me He has called you here.
Your mission is there. It is in My Messages!
DELIVER THEM, and the world will be saved.
Restrain Us, and the world will be destroyed.
Therefore, My children, I ask you to reread all of My Messages, from the beginning to here, one by one, and fulfill all that I have told you.
I bless you".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My Souls. Souls that I created with all my LOVE and Affection. Souls that I rescued with all Tenderness, at the expense of my most precious Blood on the Cross. Souls to whom I sent My Mother to speak, and to call you back to My Heart. listen now to My call, because I AM the Almighty. there is no salvation outside of ME! There is no other GOD but ME!
You must seek Me, love Me, and serve Me.
In these 10 years that I and My Mother have been here, in this city, giving you Messages, WE have revealed all our LOVE for humanity.
We use words that only Heaven can speak.
We Grant Graces and Favors that only Heaven can grant!
What more do you need, generation? What more do you need, O My Souls?
My Heart feels sore, because humanity's ingratitude crosses the dome of Heaven
Our Apparitions here were not taken seriously. Our Apparitions here were not heard, as we had expected in these 10 years.
However, you can ease this situation, My children. you can still spread Our Messages, as never before, and bring Us new souls here. to comfort Our Hearts. to please Our Hearts, and form Our return a Crown of LOVE and Praise to the FATHER. you can still bring My Grace to sinners, like a fountain of crystalline water, which is more and more edentulous and refreshes the thirsty souls, who wander through the world.
O my souls! Put yourselves to work. Put yourselves to mission. Put yourselves, My children, to walk, to take Our Requests to the whole world.
We are the ones who ask for them. We are WE who beseech you. all of you.
Go! Divulge Our Requests.
Go! Speak to all of Our Presence here.
Go! Call everyone. Do not forget anyone!
Because My Heart is thirsty and ardent desire to save everyone.
Live Our Messages. All Our Requests, which have been made to you here,
They are for your salvation. Live them! Practice them. Be faithful to Our prayers, and WE will be faithful to yours. Hear Us and We will hear you.
Do You Love Me? Do you love My Mother? Then you make sacrifices for Me and for My Mother!
Unfold! Fight! Fight the darkness! Spread the Light of My Grace.
That Light which is: My Messages to this world.
Spread them everywhere you can reach. And my Heart will "be" happy, just like my Mother's Heart, WE will repay you, giving you the Grace of seeing sincere conversions in this world, and then, many souls saved in Heaven, and even your souls, saved forever by Our side.
I give you Peace. This is the Cave of Peace. this is the Source of Peace. this is the Garden of Peace. this is the "Barn of Peace". this is the "Ark of Peace".
Here in Jacareí, I and My Mother have granted Graces like never before in the history of humanity. and through this Our little son, WE have been able to bring to our hearts Our Peace and Our Word, which has forever changed the eternal destiny of the souls of humanity.
My children, I will soon cleanse the world of all this evil that you now see in it.
Prepare yourselves, for My Mercy will come to save you. Remember that I am slow (to punish) with sinners, because I pity them and give them time to convert.
But when their number is completed, then shall My POWER be unleashed, and you shall see, astonished, the full breadth of My FORCE.
I bless you with My Mother now."