Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, March 7, 2001
Apparition of Jesus and Mary Most Holy
Message of Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace

My children, once again, today, I give you my Message of Peace and Love...I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Immaculate Conception, and Virgin of the Rosary! I come to remind you and ask you again today to make My "Hour of Peace"...I made this request in 1994, but until today humanity has not listened to Me! Little children, I ask you again: Do My "Hour of Peace" every day. It must be done at eight o'clock at night... Turn off the television; stop everything you are doing, and do My Hour of Peace. My children, you must begin the Hour of Peace with ten minutes of silence, inside and outside. You must silence all the devices in your homes; you must retire, to meet God. After the ten minutes, you will pray My Rosary of Peace. not in a hurry, but meditating on the Mysteries, deepening their meaning and dawning the lessons, Graces and merits that it contains... After the Rosary of Peace, you will read some My Messages, which should be taken from My Book of the Apparitions here in Jacareí. They can also be Messages of My Divine Son Jesus Christ, one or the other, or the two together...After reading Our Messages, you will read a passage from the Holy Gospel. you will meditate silently on everything you have heard. you will not debate; you will not argue, you will not preach. you will meditate in silence...After this little meditation, you will be able to sing some songs. But, take care that you do not sing in excess, but only so that the songs can deepen even more Our Grace, Our Word, in your souls...After that, you will pray the Act of Consecration to My Son's Heart...the Act of Consecration to My Heart, and the Act of Consecration to the Divine Holy Spirit that I myself taught you here, and that is contained in Our Book of Messages. ...At the end of all this, you close the Hour of Peace in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...The Hour of Peace will save the families, save the youth, save the little children, save the parishes, save the religious communities that practice it attending to My request. If they had done it, since 1994, when I asked them, many souls would have been saved, but, as they did not, many were lost...NO LATER! DO NOT DELAY ANY LONGER! START NOW! NOW! Do My Hour of Peace, and then I will come to save you...My Hour of Peace is a prayer, it is a devotion, which can be practiced at any time and place, and all people can accomplish it...This is the Great Remedy that the Lord sends to the world, in these times, through Me, to save you from the attacks of Satan. Make My Hour of Peace, and I will then pour out as a morning dew My Peace upon the earth, to quench the fire of hatred, evil and sin, which burns in the world. Make My Hour of Peace, and My Immaculate Heart will soon triumph! (Marcos): Lord, speak that this despicable and miserable little worm, who is I, your poor and unworthy servant, slave of your Heart, listen to you, and I will transmit to your children all your holy and loving words, so that souls may be comforted, enlightened and saved. My beloved Jesus, speak, I have no other desire than to hear Your Voice.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My chosen souls. My Heart loves you! Here is the excess of Love from my Heart, and from my Mother's Heart, in giving you the Hour of Peace, in giving you so many Graces in this place, and in this Shrine...You have never seen yourselves in the history of humanity, after I, the Word of God, became incarnate, so many Graces...but, what a pain for my Heart, that many souls have not taken advantage of them, that many souls have not truly accepted them, nor given fruit in their lives...Ah, my children! My children! The time of harvest is coming, and behold, I come with My mighty 'axe', the 'axe' of My righteousness, and will cut down all the trees that have no fruit, that are drying up, or that refuse to grow...You know that I AM 'THAT' I reap where I have not planted; that I reap where I have not sown; and that My righteousness and My mercy are one. If My Mercy is Great, Great is also My Justice. and to whom I have given two seeds, I will ask four. to whom I have given six, I will ask twelve. and to whom I have given a hundred, I will ask for a hundred fruits. Then get on your way and work! Work not for the food that perishes, but for the food that lasts for Eternal Life. You worry excessively about the things of the earth, and you forget that 'the only thing necessary' is to do My Will. If you wish to do My will, then your ordinary, everyday attitudes will have value and appreciation before Me otherwise they will be like the simple roar of the wind, which is felt, and then is no longer perceived.
Understand, My souls, that I want the 'decision' from you, and many are not truly deciding for Me. Until man takes the step of 'deciding' for Me and doing My Will, everything will be in vain. you can do many mortifications, penances and prayers, but. they will be in vain. decide for Me! Do not contradict My Will anymore! While you are going against My Will, your works will lose all their value, but if your soul has the firm desire and purpose to do My Will as it is, however 'hard and bitter' it may be, then I will grant you My Grace, My Mercy, and justify you before My Father...Ah! my souls! How I would like to draw you all closer to my Sacred Heart at this moment, and how my Mother wishes to draw you all closer to her Immaculate Heart at this moment! but that is not for now. This is the 'prize' for the victors, for those who will triumph over the serpent, over sin, over the world, and over this corrupt generation.
Therefore, PERSEVERAI! HEAD THERE FIELDS! Do not be discouraged numca! Forward! Trust in My Word! Trust in My Grace, for I watch over you. for I care for you with immeasurable, endless tenderness...O my souls! Come to the fold of my Sacred Heart! Come to this fold whose 'door' is the Immaculate Heart of My Mother! I also asked my dear Adoptive Father St. Joseph to help you, to purify you inwardly, and to make you ready to carry out my will, and that of my Mother...Continue to come here in the coming months, so that we may continue your conversion... pray the Rosary every day, the Rosary of My Mother, pray the Rosary of Mercy, the Rosary of the Eucharist, the Rosary of Peace, and all the prayers that we ourselves teach you and deliver to you, through Our Apparitions here. that soon Our Hearts will triumph, and the souls that wander through the 'desert' of this world, will be attracted and called here, and will be nourished, nourished and fortified here. I bless you with Love".