Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, March 9, 2001
Friday - Apparition of Our Lord and Our Lady

(Our Lord) Write: - The world will have no peace until it lives all the Messages I have sent to the world, whether through My Mother's Seers; or through My Seers; or through the privileged souls who have received 'special revelations' from My Heart to the world. Because the world has not lived these Messages, it has never had and does not have My Peace.
To this day the requests that I made in Paray-Le-Monial through my most obedient servant, Margarida Maria Alacoque, have not been answered. Those 'thorns' that she saw around my Sacred Heart, piercing and bleeding, are still stuck in Him, even after so many centuries, without anyone to make worthy reparation, not only for the practice of the First Nine Fridays, but also for a holy life, and totally focused on my Love and the fulfillment of my Holy Will.
Ah, how pleased I was with the life of St. Margaret Mary. She was so faithful and so inclined to My Holy Will, that she looked deeply like My Holy Mother. She even came to be a copy of My Mother, close to Her death. Imitate Her! Follow the fervent examples of Holiness that She left you in Paray, and I will also cumulate you with immense graces from my Sacred Heart, as I cumulated to Her, for by doing so you will attract my benevolence as She did, and you will gain my pleasure as She did.
I have made of Margaret Mary a 'sign' for your perverse generation, and I desire that you imitate Her, that you listen to all that I have told you through Her, and then you will have Peace for your hearts and for your fallen generation.
I also desire that you pay attention to My urgent calls made through My servant Josefa Menendez".
(Story - Marcos) "After a few moments of silence, Our Lord continued:"
(Our Lord) Marcos, My Beloved. writes the word: J O S E F A. and then writes: MENENDEZ. It has not yet been recognized nor raised to the honor of the altars, because your homicidal generation kills, silences and silences the voice of My Prophets, and even buries them under the incredible indifference and impiety to which this generation has come. But I want and will make Josefa, the one who humbled herself so much in my presence, in her earthly life, to be raised up and placed high, in the Church and in the world, and all may glorify my mercy, which overthrew the powerful and raised up the humble little Spanish girl, and made her my witness of love at the beginning of the last century.
Ah, Marcos! Imitate Josepha, and tell everyone to do the same! above all, imitate Her submission to My Adorable Will; Her full acceptance of suffering; Her secret life, carried away in the hiding and secret of the heart; Her meekness; Her hardworking Faith; Her burning Love for Me and for My Mother!
Ah! How I want there to be new 'Josephs', in Brazil and throughout the world!
My Mother gave you the mission to bring out of hiding "Our Apparitions and Messages" trampled by humanity, and now, I give you the mission to reveal My Appeals and Josefa Menendez to Brazil and the world, who ignore them!
Hurry, son! Make known to your poor world and country My Appeals and the Life of My Servant Josefa! I will be eternally grateful to you, if you will remove this 'sword' from My Sacred Heart, and help Me to carry the Cross that I carry alone and wipe My Face, on the 'long road' of the Way of the Cross of My Providential Works, rejected by men.
Son, tell humanity that soon it will receive a gigantic "impact". an "impact" that will make it waver in itself. and then, the world will see the fury of My Justice, which will be relentless for those who have not taken shelter in My Mercy, and many will flee, throwing themselves into the seas and lakes, eager to flee from Me. But all will be in vain, for then the rays of My Father's Cholera will penetrate even into the bowels of the earth, to seek those who have provoked Her.
Then everyone will see that I am the Holy Lamb, the One who never passes away, and who will give to each one according to his works and the desires of his heart.
Marcos, warn the world that MY GRACE IS MY MOTHER! and that if you want to meet me Benign on the Day of Holy Justice, you must do and obey everything She asks of you in Her Messages of Love.
She says that "Mercy" has visited the earth, and is saying goodbye soon, and that the visit of "Justice-which will purify this filthy world-is coming.
I will come, with "Mercy", that is, with "My Mother" at my side, but "Mercy" will no longer be able to speak to you or help you in that hour".