Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, March 15, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Our Lady) Write: - The world did not live My Message of La Salette, and so the demons 'were released' from hell with all their fury and violence.
Ah! After my apparition, my little daughter Melânie became a religious, with the name of Sister Maria de la Cruz, living a life of great suffering, prayers and sacrifices. She was challenged in many ways, as was My little son Maximino Giraud. Above all, how much sadness My daughter Melânie experienced when she revealed My Secret of the Last Times, and no one gave her credit!
How many tears I shed then for so much incredulity, coldness and indifference, with which men received My warning and My Secret of La Salette!
Ah! My son Marcos. console Me, making the world know My Message of La Salette and My Secret! Spare no effort or sacrifice for this, My son! Run, speak, say and shout to all My children the 'Great News' of My Appearance and of My Tears, crying over the world at La Salette!
I want there to be souls here who become true "living tissues" that wipe My Tears, for a holy life and according to "Our" wishes. These souls should be roses perfumed with prayer; lilies candid with purity; jasmines of humility and fidelity to the Lord; carnations of resignation and conformity in suffering; flowers of love to surround Our Hearts, which have been mercilessly pierced by men, especially in the last two centuries!
May My children live each day to see more of My Appeals of Pain and Love, and above all to make them known to the minute, which perishes in their ignorance, and because of this, sin spreads and almost submerges all souls. Escaping only the elect, because of My extraordinary Apparitions the Manifestations of Love on earth.
My son, it is My desolation that you go to La Salette, in France, and record everything there is, and everything else you can, and when I come back, I want you to divulge everything to My children in Brazil, and to the whole world. And you who will have to take La Salette out of the rubble of the lack of faith and discredit of the world, in which it was launched. It is you who must make Brazil and the world wipe away My Painful Tears, which have been running for 154 years. You will take La Salette out of the 'sepulchre' in which she was cast by infamous men, and make her known to all My children who love Me, and also to those who do not yet love Me, but who, because of this knowledge, will come to love, comfort, obey and listen to Me, and so I will be able to take them all to Heaven.
Know that Maximino and Melânie pray for you in Heaven, that you may support and overcome all your trials and be faithful to Me. They love you and My Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí, because you and He are the continuation of La Salette. My son, tell all humanity to listen to this My Call, or else the Terrible 'Punishment' that I announced to them in La Salette will fall upon you.
If the world does not attend me, the 'Punishment' announced will soon come. My Tears, fallen on the grass of the Mountain of La Salette, announce the destruction of many of you, just as those of My Son Jesus announced the destruction of Jerusalem, which soon followed. If you do not heed Me! My children, pray! Be converted! Repent of your sins and help Me to save the poor souls of My children, who are becoming more and more lost in sin.
My 'last hope' is you, Marcos, and my Shrine in Jacareí, because I have addressed many souls in the world with this Call, but they have either escaped, or they have failed. Hurry! Run towards My Request, because time is pressing and I am in a hurry!
Go, My son, and do all that I have commanded you and announce to My children all that I have said and dictated.
(Marcos Report) "So I asked Our Lady the following question: "Would you like us to sell the Books of Your Most Holy Life, which are called Mystical City of GOD, here in the Shrine this month?
(Our Lady) "- Yes, I would like very much, however, I want you to make an explanatory note about the date of My Birthday".
(Marcos) "- Will I be the Prophet who will bring to light to the world this wonderful treasure that are the Books "Mystical City of GOD", and will it be through and in Jacareí that Mystical City of GOD will be exalted and known throughout the world?"
(Our Lady) "- Yes, I chose you for this Great Work. That is why I made these Books, well that of all my Apparitions come to you, because you are the person made and created by GOD for this, and invested with the qualities and Graces for this. Here will be the future 'Spiritual Pole' of the Earth".
(Marcos) "- Are there any imperfections or observations about this translation? "
(Our Lady) "- No, there is nothing, only the date of My Birthday".