Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, March 22, 2001
Message of Our Lady

(Report - Marcos) After the usual greetings, I asked Our Lady if she wanted something from me. She answered me:(Report - Marcos)
(Our Lady) "- I want you to continue praying the Holy Rosary, and do everything that was asked of you by Me. Then, taking a more serious look, she said:
"-Write: - I am the Virgin of prayer"! With this Message and with this Call, I came to Jacareí in 1991, descending from Heaven, in a cloud of Light, praying and teaching to pray to My little son Marcos Tadeu, and through him, teaching and making so many of My children pray!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
And I need prayer to be the center of their lives, to be the breath of every day. May prayer be the Light of your souls, and become a joy for you!
My children, through prayer I want to make you pure, humble, obedient, simple, chaste, kind, charitable and perfect in GOD's eyes. Through prayer I want to clothe them with all the virtues; strip them of all their attachments; correct them of all their defects, and make them advance each day more in holiness.
My children, in these times when impurity, sensuality, pornography, violence, discord, errors, lack of faith and rebellion against GOD take over everything and even turn the Earth into a great desert, I invite you to unite with Me, through the life of prayer, sacrifice, penance and obedience to the Will of GOD, so that together we may spread the 'perfume' of Divine Grace and Celestial Virtues in this world, which has become worse than a stinking swamp.
My children pray! Pray especially the Holy Rosary and all the other prayers I have given you. I will unite myself with you, and I will supply before my Son what is lacking in his supplications. "I bless you all in this moment.
(Report - Marcos) "Then I asked Our Lady two particular questions and I got the answer from her. Then I asked her, "- What is giving Glory to GOD? What is more important, to love Him or to try to give Him Glory?".
(Our Lady) "- To give Glory to GOD is to love Him with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your understanding and with all your being. Whoever loves GOD gives him Glory.
Whoever keeps His commandments is the one who loves Him, and whoever loves Him, glorifies Him. The two things go together and form one thing. Not everyone who says, "Lord! Lord!" is the one who glorifies Him, but the one who keeps His commandments!
It is he who loves Him most who glorifies Him; and he who glorifies Him most will be glorified by Him in eternal life".