Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, April 6, 2001
Friday - Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Our Lord) Write My son Marcos, next Friday, Good Friday of My Passion, you will feel My Sorrows in your body. You will offer these pains for the soul of. {not to reveal it} and for sinners throughout the world, especially the most obstinate. In this way I will pour out My Mercy and Grace on them all and forgive them of many faults, giving them the Graces and Helps they need to reach salvation.
(Marcos) "My Lord and My GOD, you know that I, for love of you, want to suffer all the pains that I can and that you want to give me, but I ask Your Mercy and Your Grace to bear the pains of Your Passion, because they are immensely hard and piercing, and I fear that I cannot bear them. "
(Our Lord) "My Host! Do not be afraid! I will be at your side to help you, and my Mother will also be with you in that very harsh hour. Be strong and courageous, and offer yourself together with me for the salvation of souls. If you are generous and obedient enough, many souls will be saved from the infernal empire at that time, and upon many will descend My Divine Light to flood them with Grace and Clarity.
My Host and My Mother's! Be strong, for many souls depend on these sufferings of yours to save themselves! Love them with My Burning Love, and let yourself be crucified by Me and My Mother on the Cross of Love and Co-Redemption".
(Marcos) "Lord Jesus, my true God, I surrender myself in Your Most Holy Hands, that You may do with me what You will. I want nothing else but what you want for me. Your will over me is Love and Mercy. "
(Our Lord) "The world does not reflect on My Bitterest Passion, and therefore it walks more and more toward perdition and condemnation. My Cross is mocked by the world, as my Blessed Mother said in Rue du Bac to my little daughter Catherine Laboure. Even within the Church, suffering is banished as the worst of pestilences; it is preached at every moment that man must be happy at all costs and that, therefore, he must throw away the Cross, so that he can then free himself.
How many people have lost themselves in the pleasures and sins of the world because they believed these sweet and seductive words, rejecting the pains, setbacks and difficulties that I allowed them and sent them, and that were the only means by which I could save them!
How many who turned their heels against Me, accusing me of being unjust, tyrannical and evil, for having allowed them to suffer in life! How many who preach that to be free and to be happy is not to suffer and not to suffer in silence, but, that to be happy is to free oneself from everything that offends or molests the human being!
How many have reduced My Passion to a simple drama or even to a historical and political fact, depriving it of all its Redemptive and Supernatural Value, thus removing souls from My Sacred and Sorrowful Heart and killing in them every kind of gratitude, love and recognition for Me and for My Most Holy Mother, who was crucified Mystically and Supernaturally with Me, to the point of reaching the extreme of Her physical and spiritual Resistance.
How many who trample on My Cross, My Shed Blood and the Tears of My Sorrowful Mother's Blood, accusing the good and virtuous souls who thus make them of being snide, sentimentalist and superficialist, who have nothing of theology and biblical knowledge, even taxing them as poor ignorant of the plough, who know nothing else but to say the Rosary, and therefore everything they do or show before 'We' is worth nothing.
Ah! If these fools and hypocritical imbeciles knew that their vain wisdom is manure before Me, and that a tear shed with true Love for Me and for My Mother is worth more than knowing by heart all the books of theology of the world!
Ah! If they only knew that the lyrics of their books were dead, and that the life of a Healer of Ars, of St. Bernadette and St. Rita was worth more than knowing anything about theology, but they did everything I wanted and ordered. So, son, shout to the whole world that I only desire one thing of souls: Love!
Come to Me all of you, but not to probe Me and to search for Me, but to love Me with all your heart and with all your soul, because I resist those who try to probe Me and I give My Grace and knowledge only to those who simply love Me! Thus I have proceeded in Paray, Lourdes, Fatima, Jacareí and other places elected by My Providence!
Cunning with Me. no!!!
Love, yes! Love! Love!
Son, hell is in veritable convulsions of fury because of the Books of My and My Mother's Life! Satan roars, grunts, shakes the dens of his lair, of hatred of these books and of you, for not having succeeded in killing you. But fear not: My Mother and I are here to defend you and guard you.
Divulge them throughout Brazil and the World, My Son! Be swift like a tiger, and agile like an eagle! As a Knight of the Immaculate Conception, you must defend it at all costs and defeat the Protestant and contrary heresies of the True Faith that have taken over Brazil and the World, and annihilate their errors in souls. With Our Messages and these Books, you will advance and obtain victories patent!
Stay in My Peace, and restore My Passion and the Sorrows of My Mother in the Church and in the World in every way you can.
'My Host' rests in My Heart and unite with Me, forever and ever!