Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 7, 2001
Apparition and Message of Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ

(Marcos) Beloved Lady of Heaven, what does Your Majesty desire of me?
(Our Lady) "I desire that you continue praying the Holy Rosary, making sacrifices c fulfilling everything that I have asked of you.
(Marcos) "I would like to ask you to bless all those who are here today, especially sinners, those who have the coldest, hardest, most unbelieving, most indifferent heart; the distressed people; the sick; all those who need Your Mercy and who are weakest. "
(Our Lady) "Yes! I will bless all those present today. Tell them to continue praying the Holy Rosary every day and I will give them many graces".
(Marcos) "What does the Lady want from us today?"
(Our Lady) "My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace and the Lady of Sorrows. I come from Heaven once again, to invite you to prayer, sacrifice and penance.
I would like to give you many new messages, but I have not been able to do so, because you have not lived the Messages that I have already given you. My children, live My Messages! Spread My Messages to the whole world! Spread the Book of My Appearances here with My Son to the whole world. Do not keep Our Messages to yourselves, but spread them to the whole world, to everyone you meet.
You have known the Books of My Life, called 'Mystical City of GOD'. I revealed them to my little daughter Soror Maria of Agreda. Because of the hardness of the hearts of men and peoples, these great and priceless "riches" remained hidden and buried in indifference and oblivion for three hundred years until "the child" was born, "the child" who would make all this known to the world. Yes, this child, this child, awaited by me three hundred years ago, was born on February 12, 1977. It is this My little child who is here, and through whom I speak to you and give you My Messages.
Here in Jacareí all My requests will be fulfilled; all My teachings and all My apparitions. Here the Crowning of all my Apparitions and Manifestations on the face of the earth will be fulfilled.
Here the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart will be fulfilled, where I will establish my Kingdom of Love of Peace and Mercy in the hearts of men, and from here my Mystical Light will spread throughout this country and the entire earth.
I will make this place the Garden of the Most Holy Trinity, and I will build here My Great Fortress, Unshakable, which will remain forever, and here, My Son and I will dwell forever.
Here, everyone will find medicine; everyone will find relief and encouragement in their pain. Here, all tears will be wiped away. Here, all hearts will receive Light, Grace and Peace. Fruits of the Redemption of My Son and My Co-Redemption, and then, I will make all souls full of GOD.
My children, if My Triumph did not happen it is only your fault. If My earlier promises to establish peace on earth have not yet come true, it is only your fault. Because you have not prayed. Because you did not fast. Because you did not obey all that GOD asked of you through Me, in My Messages, My Triumph was postponed and delayed until later. With this, great sufferings affect you in your daily life; many more souls may get lost... others may get tired, if you who still have a little love for Me, do not make more prayers, more sacrifices, and more penance.
This is what I want, my children: that this Holy Week, this Lent, may this month become for you a time of conversion. May you be converted! Convert! If you convert and fulfill my requests, GOD will come. He will establish peace on earth and establish the Triumph of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and of my Immaculate Heart.
Be converted! Convert! This is what GOD expects of you through Me, and this is what I also expect of you.
I bless you all right now".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Marcos) "My Jesus, what does Your Highness desire of me?"
(Our Lord) "I want you to fulfill all that I and my Mother have said and asked of you until now.
(Marcos) "Yes, yes Lord! I will do all that you want of me. What does Your Majesty want of this people who are here today?"
(Our Lord) "I want you to give Me your voice, that I may speak to My beloved people. Come! Speak!"
'My host'! (Note -Marcos: Here Our Lord refers to me. He always calls me His Host, because I have been chosen to be a 'victim soul' who must atone with them for the sins of the world) Speak to My children and say these
My Almighty and Sempternal Heart Will Triumph!
My Eternal and Merciful Heart Will Triumph!
My Sorrowful and Crowned Heart Will Triumph!
My Mighty Arm, at the moment determined by the Father, will crush Satan, his followers, and all those who serve him in this world. He will put his Kingdom in ruins, as if by magic, as if by charm, he will see himself, from one hour to the next, with nothing, without the power that he boasts as the sure winner over the world.
Ah, my children! My Sacred Heart has never been so enlarged in the world as it is here! My Mercy here, falls upon you like rain. Wash your souls. Purify them from all evil and give you the Life of My Grace; the Life of My Love; the Life of My Mercy!
I wish that the first Sunday after Easter be celebrated as the Feast of My Mercy, as I asked you through My Daughter, Faustina Kowalska. I also wish that you may spend Holy Week in prayer and meditation on My torments and the torments of My Mother. On Good Friday, I wish you a fast with love. I also desire silence so that you can contemplate with my Mother, who could not say a word, in pain at the foot of my Cross. So that with her you can meditate on every pain, on every torment of my Most Holy Body.
O my children! Here is what I want from you: SANTITY! SANTITY! SANTITY! LOVE! LOVE and LOVE!
I am already tired of My children wanting to serve Me and the world. I want Holiness! You lack Holiness! You lack the decision for Me and for My Mother! That is why the Heart of My Sacred Father is so saddened. Because there is no decision for you. There is no Holiness.
Hear me! Listen to My Mother! Because when she asks you in my name it is because I want you, through my Mother's Mercy, Love and Mediation, to achieve the graces necessary to serve me with Love, Faith and Faithfulness.
Continue praying for my Pope John Paul II, for he is my Vicar on earth*. All your prayers for him will be rewarded by Me when you reach the hour of death. I promise you this!
I also want you to listen to My Mother, who speaks to you through Our chosen servants, Our seers, Our Privileged Souls, Our Prophets, spread throughout the world, and above all, through this Our little son who is here, and who for more than 10 years has faithfully transmitted to you all Our wishes.
Just as those who listen to Me listen to the Father. Whoever listens to My Mother, listens to Me! and whoever listens to Marcos Thaddeus, listens to My Mother! Whoever does not listen to Him, will not listen to My Mother, will not listen to Me, and will not listen to My Father. I want you to listen to the Messages we give you here in Jacarei! And the last table of salvation that I give you, and the last anchor that I lay for you. After this, I will no longer grant these Messages to the world. After this Apparition {from Jacari), there will be no more.
Therefore, my children, your time is running out! There are few, few points left, few grains of sand, to finish your time! Be quick as a tiger! Be agile like an eagle and advance on the path of your conversion, or else you will perish!
Hold on to My Mother! Do not let Her Rosary fall from your souls! Hold on to My Mother's Rosary! Pray it devoutly, faithfully, every day, and I promise that I will give you the graces you need to remain faithful to me and come to salvation.
I also want you to read My requests that I made to My daughter Margaret Maria Alacoque, Sister Josefa Menendez, Sister Faustina and Soror Maria de Ágreda.
My children, if you do all this, My Heart will triumph.
I bless all those who are taking the Books of My Mother's Life, 'Mystical City of GOD', into their homes!
I bless you now with all the graces of my Sacred Heart".
(Marcos) "Lord Jesus, this little worm of yours, this most vile, poor and miserable slave of yours asks you: bless the sick, and those who have come here with the most distant heart of You. May they know Your Love and Your Mercy! Convert sinners, especially atheists; convert those who are bound to vices; may our souls live night and day at your feet, dying of love for you, adoring and loving you, through your Most Holy Mother.
(Our Lord) "So Be It, My Son! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
(Marcos) "Amen! Do Your Majesties want anything else from me today?"
(Our Lady) "Yes! We want to tell you that tomorrow, and every first Sunday of the month, from now on, you will see my Most Chaste Spouse St. Joseph and you will receive a Message from Him!
(Marcos) "Saint Joseph?
(Our Lady) "Yes! Wait for us at the same time tomorrow.
(Report - Marcos) Then they slowly rose to Heaven until they disappeared into the immense distance of the firmament.
*Note: What Our Lord said in this message refers exclusively to the Pope of the time, John Paul II. This comment does not apply to the most current popes.