Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, April 12, 2001
Holy Thursday - Message of Our Lady

You can never thank GOD enough for having instituted the Holy Eucharist on Je day.
Yes! At that moment, the Most Sacred Heart of my Divine Son expanded in prayer and mercy and gave them the Greatest Gift that he could give them: Himself, under the appearances of bread and wine. Although at the moment of Consecration the appearance of the bread and wine remains, it is only accidental, for their substance is totally transformed into the Substance of the Body and Blood of my Divine Son Jesus Christ.
This Mystery alone puts in ecstasy all the Angels and Saints of Heaven and, by itself, fills Heaven with Glory and Joy.
This Sacrament is so High that only the Holy Supper, the First Mass that My Divine Son celebrated on that Holy Thursday, was already more than enough to redeem the whole human race; to give salvation to all men and to satisfy for them the Divine Justice for all centuries to come. But My Divine Son, God-Love, still wanted to die for all of you, thus proving to you how Unlimited, Perennial and Total His Love is for you.
The Most Holy Eucharist is the Mystery of the Mysteries; the Sacrament of the Sacraments; the Gift of Gifts. Happy is the man who discovers and plunges into the depths of the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist, because to him My Divine Son will grant so many graces and knowledge of Him, that he will already be on earth a Seraphim of Love for Jesus.
I am the Mother of the Blessed Sacrament!
My Mother's Mission is to lead you to a high degree of Love for my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
I am at the feet of every Tabernacle, every tabernacle on earth, to teach them and to help them adore my Divine Son with true Love, Faith and Pity. That is why I here taught them the Rosary of the Eucharist and so many Eucharistic Prayers, so that in their hearts there may be a true, sincere and ardent Love for my Sacred Son. Remember how many Signs I have given you here, in the sun, the moon, the candles and the Apparitions, to call you and bring you all to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
Today, on the day of His Greatest Gift of Love, Faith and Affection, in place of so many who ignore and despise Him, who forget Him and blaspheme Him, who outrage and offend Him, be the most beautiful Crown of Love and Light to surround the Heart of Jesus, in place of so many who do nothing but crown Him with hard and sharp thorns, with their sins.
Be the Joons of Jesus in the Eucharist, who lean over His Heart to feel His beatings of pain and loneliness, of anguish and contempt of men, and thus console Him, love Him, adore Him and serve Him, in place of so many who do not love Him.