Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, June 25, 2001
20th Anniversary of the Apparitions of MedjugorjeMessage of Our Lady

My children, today you celebrate the twentieth anniversary of my first apparition in Medjugorje in 1981...It was an important event because I appeared there to fulfill my Mother's Plan of Salvation for the world. I appeared in Medjugorje to invite the whole world to conversion, to prayer and to penanceI appeared in Medjugorje to say that the peace that the world has lost can be found again in prayer and penance. .I appeared in Medjugorje, to say that they are heading towards a great abyss of destruction and condemnation, if they continue to obstinately follow this road in which they are going...I appeared in Medjugorje, to accomplish My Great Work of conversion and salvation of humanity, which will culminate in the Greatest Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, destroying Satan and his empire of evil and sin, leading all humanity back to its Creator and to His Holy Law of Love. I have appeared in Medjugorje, to reveal all my Immense Motherly Love for you, my poor childrenRejoice and continue living all the Messages I give you here in Jacarei and there in Medjugorje...If you do this, my Heart will Triumph and come Peace to the world...Today I bless you all in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.