Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Friday, August 24, 2001

Apparition of the Holy Angel of Peace Revelation of the 'Hour of St Joseph


(Report - Marcos) On this day the Holy Angel of Peace appeared to me. He greeted me at the beginning of the Apparition and then told me:

"Marcos, I come from Heaven today to tell everyone to continue praying. The ALMIGHTY is 'happy' with his prayers, but more needs to be prayed.

I come by order of the LORD and of the HOLY VIRGIN to tell you that from now on, every Sunday at nine o'clock at night, the 'HOUR OF SAINT JOSÉ' be done as a family. This hour of family prayer, like the 'HOUR OF PEACE', should be done with ten minutes of silence at the beginning. Then the Rosary of St. Joseph should be prayed, impetuating the Grace of Union, Sanctification and Peace in families throughout the world. After the Rosary, the prayer to St. Joseph and his Litany must be said. After reading the Messages of the Book* and the Holy Bible, they will pray the Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of St. Joseph.

If this Desire of the LORD is fulfilled with obedience, families will recover Peace, Union and Harmony, lost for their sins. Young people will be preserved from many evils, such as drugs and impurity, and will be kept on the right path; little children will be protected and safeguarded from the evils of today's world, and couples will be preserved from infidelity, adultery and separation. Many separated spouses will return home and many young people deviant from the good path will return to the life of the Sanctifying Grace and the Sacraments.

Therefore, make 'SAO JOSEPH HOUR' with Perseverance, Love and Obedience, and He, who is the PROTECTOR of families, will help and protect you in the tribulations of life.

This 'HOUR OF SAINT JOSEPH' must become known and spread all over the face of the earth, so that as soon as possible what can still be saved from the wrath of the evil one may be saved. Pray! Pray! Pray!"

(Report - Marcos) Then the Angel prayed some prayers with me and then he disappeared.

*Remark: This is the Book of Messages "Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the Apparitions of Jacari. To acquire the books of the Messages, access it:



