Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 5, 2002
Apparition of Our Lord Jesus, Mary Most Holy and Saint Joseph
Message of Mary Most Holy

"My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace. I am the Lady of the Rosary. I am the Lady of the Rosary of Sorrows.
I desire, My children, to ask you to meditate more often on the Passion of Jesus, and Mine. because it contains 'immeasurable treasures' for all of you. In truth, I promise:
The soul who worships My Sorrows daily will not be condemned. I will assist her throughout my life. I will rid her of many temptations. I will prevent her from falling into many sins, and if, through her own fault, this soul falls, soon, in a short time, I will reclaim her.
May one pray. may one pray in Honor of My Sorrows. may one pray Seven Hail Marys every day in Honor of My Sorrows. if possible, pray the Rosary of My Sorrows. Above all, meditate also on the 'Secret Sorrows' of Jesus, on My and St. Joseph's, revealed here in these Apparitions, because 'they' will be consolation for you in suffering, strength in depression, light on the way, joy even in the midst of pain, hope even in the midst of sadness and despair, will be a shield in temptations.
My Immaculate Heart wants to make you feel and understand how great my pain is still today. But if they do not meditate on My Pain. if they do not contemplate Me in My Great Pain, I cannot. I cannot show them the size of My Suffering. and so I cannot transform their hearts.
You see, My son, how these My children are here, some of them visibly tired from a long journey, but with such love for My feet. For these children, I feel comforted, loved, responded to, and glorified. How many! How many of these My children were in the clutches of Satan, and I, with My Messages here, subtract them from the clutches of the 'dragon', who saw himself, as if by enchantment, without the victims whom He had so proudly imprisoned, and who was standing before Me and the Most Blessed Trinity.
Marcos, my son! may your heart also rejoice! because the tears, the pains, the persecutions and all the torments that you have endured until today for my Love, especially those of the first years (of the Apparitions), were decisive for the conversion of these My children to happen, and to happen more quickly. Rejoice with me, my little Job, and my beloved John! Continue to serve Me. to love Me. to obey Me, and to transmit all that I entrust to you.
Little children, understand that I am your Mother, and that I suffer because I see that you do not listen and that you do not want to listen to My Messages. My suffering has lasted many centuries, but it has become especially bitter and poignant in the last 180 years.
How many Apparitions I have made! How many Messages I have sent to the world! How many 'signs' I have given! and the world did not want to obey Me.
Why? Why won't they obey Me?
Why don't they pray? and why don't they pray with love?
God is a Living God! and therefore, for a Living God, a living prayer!
Why, My children, why are you so lazy? So slow? and so cold in their prayers?
Why do they not wait with fervor for my Divine Son Jesus and for me at Holy Mass? Why do they remain in the Holy Mass as 'blocks of ice'?
Why, My children, are you so lazy and unwilling to reread My Messages?
Am I worth less than your amusements? Am I worth less than your leisure? Is it because I am 'last' in your souls and your lives? that you have no love for My Messages?
Why haven't you heard My Appeals from La Salette, Lourdes and Fatima to here? Why don't you meditate on My Messages given there, and given here?
Why don't you want to obey My Messages, which are the 'last table of salvation' the Lord gives you? Why don't you want to obey My Messages, which are like 'spiritual and mystical wings' that the Holy Trinity gives you, through Me, so that you may fly to the highest of Heaven, to meet God and Salvation?